Pneumonia and breathing issues


New member
Mar 21, 2023
Thank you for accepting me on the group. My dad is 82 and has vascular dementia. He has gone really downhill for the last few months with memory and mobility and recently went full time in a care home. He fell on the 6 march and broke his knee and gave himself a black eye, was discharged back to his care home. The next morning he was not well and the doctor called an ambulance as his oxygen levels were 88. He was in resus till early evening they said he had Covid and pneumonia in both lungs. 2 weeks later he’s still in hospital on oxygen as they cannot wean him off. Doctors say the infection is cleared almost but he’s constantly struggling to breathe and has a sharp pain in his middle lower chest and is spitting up thick mucus. I was worried he was aspirating food they checked and said he had poor swallowing so would swap to purée food. He does not seem to be improving and wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience of the breathing issues and pain? The doctors have given him an anti sickness drip and gaviscon. Thank you
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Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Lisacoop welcome to the forum, which is a friendly and supportive place. Sorry to hear that your dad is so poorly, it must be a worrying time for you. I don't have personal experience of the symptoms you mention but covid, or any type of infection, can cause havoc in those with dementia so I hope that the doctors will be able to find the cause and treat the pain so that your dad is kept comfortable.

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