Please..if there is a god out there..

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Good morning, Gigi,

Hope everything runs smoothly to-day for you, that Eric goes willingly into the taxi and that you can sit back, relax and begin to enjoy your respite. Will be thinking of you.

Love, Nan XXX


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Thankyou for all the positive and kind thoughts...:)

me and the dog fell asleep for two hours.
Don`t even get that much some nights.
It's quite incredible how we carry on with so little sleep, Roseann. Well..we do to a point and then crash..:eek:

Thismorning I know I could not face another day and night of this. Eric flatly refused to go to bed last night. He was up and down from his chair throughout the night but would not be persuaded to get into bed.
So he's been up all night, and I've been in and out of bed all night.

He now knows he's going to the CH today..I haven't told him how long for..:eek:
Once again the carpet has come to the rescue. There's an awful stain by his chair where he knocked over some coffee...when he pointed it out I casually said.." I can get rid of that today, if you like, while you're over at the CH"

Initially he wasn't over pleased at the idea. But now seems to have accepted it and is fretting about being ready on time for the taxi.

Love xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Well gigi, if anything should convince you a bit of subterfuge is justified it will be last night.
It`s getting to the point when it`s either Eric or you. Sad though it is it`s the progression.
Good luck xx


Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
Once again the carpet has come to the rescue. There's an awful stain by his chair where he knocked over some coffee...when he pointed it out I casually said.." I can get rid of that today, if you like, while you're over at the CH"
;) Your reputation for keeping an immaculate house comes in handy once again :D

I'll be back later to be sure all has gone well.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
A last minute hiccup...:eek:

After a lovely shower and all clean clothes.....well, you can guess the rest.

Anyway, we only kept the taxi waiting a few minutes...Eric went quite willingly..:)

Love xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Phew - I can feel your relief


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Aug 9, 2007


I hope that you get a good break and can hopefully get things sorted out more easily. Sleep deprivation is horrendous. It leaves you barely able to function. Eric needs to be safe and for that you need to be able to sleep. Good luck with the advocate and here's hoping that you can get a good solution worked out if he is to come home.



sandra hannaway

Registered User
Mar 14, 2010
Dear GIGI,Perhaps it`s good that the Dr saw how you r feeling deep inside. In order to keep strong on the outside we need to address the inside-keep the foundations healthy. Perhaps by doing this you will b strong for both of you, but you need to be honest,open and let people know how you are really feeling. wE NEVER LOST ANYTHING BY BEING OPEN. yOU R GOOD PERSON, LOTSALUV sANDRA X


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
now lets get Gigi renewed
That made me smile, Helen...for Mothering Sunday my daughter has bought me some special skincare cream..called "Rejuvenate"....:rolleyes:

Sandra..thankyou and welcome to TP..
but you need to be honest,open and let people know how you are really feeling.

This is so true..but often very hard to do. There comes a point when you are so tired you don't think rationally any just carry on...

I'm so thankful to the lady from the Dementia Team who came out on Friday morning and told me to phone the SW. If I hadn't done that ,yes, Eric would have gone to Day Care today..and I may have been able to catch up on some sleep...but tonight would have seen us back in the loop.

Just now it's very difficult to switch off...:eek:

I've had the leisurely bath..fell asleep on the bed for a while and woke up with my heart racing, teeth and fists clenched..thinking that I'd overslept and had missed the taxi for Eric. And that he was still here.

Emotions are mixed. I've phoned the CH and Eric is ok..except they're struggling to get his wallet off him..He has £50 in it and is reluctant to part with it...:rolleyes: They've reassured me that they will look after him and settle him down tonight with his glass of wine before bed. They know him now and that's to our mutual benefit.

Thisafternoon I popped round to see brothers were there and were "doing food". It was good to flex my freedom wings ..pop in and say hello, and come home. Although they tried to persuade me to stay and eat I couldn't be bothered with the conversation and banter. Normally I'd have been cooking today and we'd all have been here.

It's a relief to be home, without the questions, demands and constant responsibility...and to feel the peace.

Most of was such a warm feeling to log back into TP and find that so many of you are out there thinking about me and wishing me well..coming back to TP also feels like coming home..:)

Love xx
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