Please help me?


Registered User
Nov 1, 2013
I took my mum for a memory test 2 weeks ago and she scored 5 out of 26 what does this mean please?


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello and welcome to Talking Point.
I am sorry to hear about your Mother and I am wondering what the GP and or Mental Health Team have said to you..

This may help you understand the MMSE test a little more.
Also at the bottom you will see links to the local branch of the AS and I believe it is worth you contacting them (whether or not there has been a diagnosis. There is also a link there for factsheets which may be of interest you.

The test does seem to have low results but this may mean be for many reasons and I do feel you need to ask more questions of the team or of the GP.

I hope that helps a little. Keep in touch as there is much support and experience here.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Bettyboo

Yes it does seem a low score but when my husband was tested, his test had a maximum score of 30 so your mum might have had a different test.

This is why it is best to ask the doctor who tested your mum , but if you have difficulty contacting him/her, perhaps you could contact the department where your mum had the test.

I'm pleased you found talking point at the start of your mum's illness. It won't make the illness go away but it should help you to be able to communicate with people in similar positions.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2013
Thank you for replying, they said she scored low and the threshold was 10 for any treatment to be considered, they gave me some information on Dementia and that I would get an action plan?

Mum says she's not that bad if though this morning she has said i've took all her money (of course I haven't) my mum lives with me and seems to go down hill with her memory after having a knee operation last October.

I just feel I'm all alone as I will be the main carer for her and all I want is to talk to someone, I've left messages fro people to call me back but not heard anything as of yet.



Registered User
Apr 8, 2013
I don't know how long you've been waiting for people to return your calls but it is often necessary to ring a few times before you get to speak to the right person.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil (i.e. the one that asks). Politely of course!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Go to
click on your geographic area
scroll down and click on nearest branch

You will find details of how to contact the branch together with any services provided - advisor, dementia café, singing for the brain, carers' meetings, ...


Registered User
Jul 31, 2012
When my husband was first diagnosed with dementia I found the memory team based at the hospital, were always ready to listen and help, each time I rang them. Would you be able to contact them yourself or ask the G.P to arrange for you to speak with the memory team in your area. I hope you get the information and support you need soon--talking point is the right place to come for help.