Picture of Alan putting family to bed


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Maybe something like that would help my mum.

You never know til you try Izzy;) I would be interested to know what effect it has (or not) on your mum.

Love p.s. How is mum tonight?


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hi Helen - thanks for asking about mum. She has come through the awful torment of hallucinations etc thank goodness. I didn't give her the Lorazapam (sp!!) on Wednesday night as she basically slept all day and all night apart from surfacing now and then for soup and the loo!! On Thursday she was a bit more herself but was still a bit confused but not nearly so agitated. Tonight I took her out after school and she was talking about being in 'the home' earlier in the week. I think something of the paranoia she was experiencing has stayed with her somehow. She was also saying that her mother would be worried and not know where she has been and would I tell her! At the moment we have put on yet another Poirot for her and she is sitting in her chair with head back, mouth wide open and snoring!! It is really hard to know if she is still suffering from the UTI (as she is still on anti biotics) or if a dementia of some sort is beginning to take hold. She is still very lucid in some respects - in the middle of it all the other night she said something along the lines of 'I'm no going to the barmy hoose'! I would imagine she is referring to what she remembers as the local 'mental institution'!!!!

Added to this we had a rotten day at school today with 3 separate child protection issues - it must be the fact that it's Friday 13th!

The red wine is helping!!

You take care and I will keep you informed on the soft toy front!! Izzy x


Registered User
Sep 28, 2009
Dear Shelagh, It'll be nice to see your extensive family:) Here's how to post pictures for then.TO ANYONE WANTING TO KNOW HOW TO POST PHOTOS AND PICTURES

Print this off and follow step by step

Click 'New Reply' as usual when you want to post a message.

t.ype your message and then scroll down and
Click 'Manage Attachments'

click 'Browse'

Choose photo or picture from your computer file which stores your photos and pictures

Click 'Upload'

Click 'Close the Window'

Scroll back up to your typed message

Click the paperclip

Click the attachment

Click 'Submit Reply' as usual when you've finished your post.


practice with one picture or photo and if it doesn't appear it will probably need re-sizing first which is as easy as pie and I will post how to do it if necessary.
Thanks Helen, I think I could manage that - once I've picked out a new simple camera phone I'll be on my way, Stand by for some beautiful grandchildren.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2009
I love your picture of Alan and it was nice to look back at your original thread at the pictures of him having a cuddle with the monkey. My Mum loves soft toys too and enjoys cuddling my dolls (I'm a baby doll collector and maker)Anything positive like that is wonderful to see :)