PCA diagnosed 60 yr old woman


New member
Jan 20, 2023

My lovely mum (age 60) has been diagnosed with Posterior Cortical Atrophy. She’s had symptoms for about 3 years now, but we have finally managed to get her to find answers to her difficulties.

She’s feeling very lonely, scared and angry about her diagnosis at such a young age.. and I wondered if there are any other PCA diagnosed women or men on here?

Monday’s child

Registered User
Aug 24, 2022
Hi my mother doesn't have this diagnosis but I have come across this dedicated group https://www.ucl.ac.uk/drc/pca-support-group and there is also a PCA Facebook group. I am sure there will be more if you search online. Just checked the UCL one and seems to be out of date but there are some contact details on there which may be of use.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2016
My wife has PCA which, like so many, took 2 years to diagnose at age 65. Every dementia is different and every person is different.
We’ve been living at home with PCA for 10 years now and were lucky early on to help Queen Square & DRC with research and they have become Susan’s consultant and specialist nurses. Visits have finished now because travel is so difficult. We still do Time for Dementia with student doctors and nurses. (Recommended)
Like others she is on Donepezil and Memantine, which seem to work. Problems are more to do with dramatic weight loss and toilet mistakes.
I get 2 hours a week respite, plus occasional days and I’m pleased we’re both still managing, but at times it’s frustrating, boring and infuriating! I have to remind myself that I’m now 81.