Opportunity to share your opinions on the law that impacts people affected by dementia's right to sexuality and intimacy


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Dementia, Sexuality and the Law: is the law striking the right balance?

This study aims to gather people’s opinions on the law’s current position on sexuality in people with dementia. The researchers working on this study are hoping to reach carers who might be willing to be interviewed on this sensitive topic, and share their thoughts on the following:
  • The issue of sexuality in dementia
  • Whether you think the law as it stands has the balance right between protecting people with dementia and supporting them to express their sexuality
  • What (if anything) you would like to see changed in the law
Why is the study needed?

English law says that all individuals having sexual relations, including, kissing, cuddling, and sexual intercourse, must give "here and now" consent. People living with dementia continue to desire intimacy and so do their partners. But the law says that when people living with dementia lose the ability to give "here and now consent" to sexual relations, no one else can give permission on their behalf, and therefore, cannot legally engage in intimate behaviours.

Little is known about the preference of people living with dementia on issues relating to their sexuality across different situations. This study is designed to give a voice to people living with dementia, their partners, carers, and older people without dementia, to help the researchers to understand their thoughts about whether the law, as it stands, has the right balance between protecting people with dementia and supporting them to experience intimacy and to express their sexuality.

The hope is that the findings of the study will improve the knowledge in this area of dementia care, and also enable suggestions that might strengthen the current legislative and human rights framework that govern the care of people living with dementia.

You are eligible to take part if:
  • You are aged 18 years or over
  • You are the partner or main carer for a person living with dementia in the community in an unpaid capacity
The interview will be conducted either face-to-face or online and will last approximately one hour and will be recorded using a secure, encrypted Dictaphone. You will be able to take breaks during discussions.

Following your focus group meeting you will receive a £25 Love2Shop voucher (if the focus group is face to face), as a token of thanks for your participation. The voucher will be sent to you by post. Allowance will also be made for mileage to be paid using KMPT guidelines. If the focus group is online, you will receive a £25 Love2Shop voucher as a token of thanks for your participation, as well as a £5 Love2Shop (as remote working cost). These vouchers will be sent to you by post.

To participate or for further information:

Contact Dr Oluwatoyin Sorinmade on 01622 726899 or Alisha O’Connor on 07795 258960, or email alisha.oconnor1@nhs.net


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Good luck with the study - it's an incredibly difficult and emotive subject.

I'm not eligible to participate (ex-carer for my mum) but find I could put an argument for both 'Yes, they should' or 'No, they shouldn't' be allowed to express/participate in sexual activities! My main concern is whether it's possible to legislate in a fair way over this - I actually think each individual case should be decided on its own merits.