Opportunity to be involved in BBC documentary


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Hi everyone,

Our Media team are working with a production company called Wonder TV, who are making a documentary for the BBC. You can read more about what's involved below. Please email talkingpoint@alzheimers.org.uk if you're interested, or if you have any questions.

Thanks :)


We are television producers from a company called Wonder TV. We are making a series for the BBC called 'Living with Dementia' (working title), which will be an honest and sensitive exploration of life with dementia.

The series will follow people with dementia to capture a powerfully candid insight into what it is like for them and their families making sense of the disease.

As part of the series, we want to capture the experiences of people who have noticed changes with their memory, words or other parts of their thinking.

The production team would be delighted to hear from anybody visiting their GP or memory clinic about changes they've noticed.

The series will capture your journey as you discover why changes are happening and what can be done to help. We would like to film parts of your day-to-day life over the course of a year and a half, so that we can create an honest and sensitive programme for television.

Life doesn't end as dementia begins and this series will chart the ups and downs of each person's journey.

We would like to film with people who are worried about memory problems and are getting in touch with their GP or local memory clinic to be assessed. This would involve filming people and their families during the diagnostic process at home/in their daily lives, as well as with their doctors or consultants. We would work with people to find out how best to film in a way that feels comfortable to them during a sensitive time. Our crew is small and we have experience of working with people who are experiencing memory problems.