oh dear, its christmas


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
it has snuck up cause I have been in denial

christmas, with all its ramifications and expectations
But as I said to my brother today (he will be alone on christmas day) ...its just another day after all.
I know thats not true but if the calendar didnt tell me it was so, if the shops werent filled with christmas things, if the TV didnt reitierate again and again,
then it could be "just another day"
well I am off to buy my family a tree tomorrow.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
christmas, with all its ramifications and expectations

Christmas is so hard, for so many of us.

When you have young children, it's a magical time, and of course we want to keep that magic for as long as possible.

But for those of us who have no children at home -- why do we cave in to the pressure? It's commercial blackmail, urging us to spend money we haven't got, on the latest 'must have'.

It has lost all religious meaning for most people, and for those who still believe, the crude commercialism has spoiled what was once the most important festival in the church calendar.

I'm not a cynic, truly, just very sad.

And yes, I put up our Christmas decoration last night -- for Skye, of course!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
) ...its just another day after all.

An elderly friend of mine, housebound, with no living family, used to get very cross when people asked her for Christmas.
She was alone the other 364 days of the year, apart from home carers.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
When my 8 years old Grandson was asked to write his list to Father Christmas. He asked WHY do we have presents when it is Jesus's birthday ? People do forget the true meaning of Christmas. Family that you don't see all year or hear from send a card. Now Mummy Christmas has got a little hard since A.D. and only those who have been there and showed love and support for the patient and Carer will be remembered. So this Christmas as Peter will be in the E.M.I. Unit his step-children and our Grandchildren have a special present from Peter. Do you know some shops are already stocking up EASTER EGGS????
Best wishes Christine


Registered User
Mar 1, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
easter eggs!
what is this madness?
here is my account of today -
ah well, I did it anyway
DH says today, do you want a tree?
YES! says I
so he goes out in the pouring rain and brings us home a huge tree.
this eve I have spent 2 hours untangling things and decorating the house.
the last thing I put on the tree was the angel from my childhood.
as the youngest every year I had the important job, when the tree was decorated, of placing the angel at the top (my kids did too)
tonight it was me alone,placing that angel at the top of the tree.
I did it for my dad & my mum.
I went out the front and our neighbour has the full display of lights going.
it made me feel teary but determined.
tomorrow, OUR lights are going up
hmmm...what is this affliction that makes me want to decorate my house with lights?:rolleyes:


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
hmmm...what is this affliction that makes me want to decorate my house with lights?:rolleyes:

Strange, isn't it? I've done it too.

It's not for the kids, Guy's too young, the rest too old. It's not for John, he's not here, and he's not interested in Christmas anyway. It's not for Skye, I have to keep chasing her away from the cables. And it's definitely not to keep up with the Joneses.

Must be for me, then!:eek:

Desperately trying to hang on to any shred of normality. Desperately wanting to recapture the love and security of childhood Christmasses.

And desperately longing for things that will never again be.

Ah well, at least we'll have a bright Christmas! :)

Love to all,


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Well done Hazel:
Strange, isn't it? I've done it too.

I can add "me too".

My late husband used to say "The day your mother does not decorate the house from top to toe, you know she will either be very ill, or dead".

So despite the aching heart that we all hide inside, just for me, and precious memories, the house is "Warm, welcoming, and festive".


Registered User
Jul 10, 2006
south lanarkshire
Hi All

Sorry there are no christmas tree or lights or decorations in our house as yet.

Not that I have anything against them, I would like to have the house decorated, BUT I HAVEN'T YET FOUND THE TIME to go into the attic fetch down everything, clean the windows before putting up the tree. I will make time before Christmas, but at the moment I am just too busy visiting between care home and hospital and I can't find the energy.

What a scrooge I am. I WILL FIND THE TIME.

Sorry for the capitals, but I am shouting at myself

Take care


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Cheats tip:(1) Don't clean the windows, spray 'fake snow' in corners. (We might have more time for cleaning after Christmas)

(2) Same with cobwebs. Let them grow and spray with silver,
Confession, haven't tried this one myself. Tip passed on to me by former carer when time was short.

Whatever you manage to do Alfjess, please try to enjoy.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Trouble with the fake snow, though, is that you have to clean it off after Christmas. (Or could you leave it till the next Christmas?)

I think dirty windows are better, anyway. The smudges enhance the sparkle effect.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! :D


Registered User
Jul 7, 2007

Will try the tip about the cobwebs but do you think the spiders will stay still long enough to get a good coating ? Think it would be lovely to watch their glittery progress across the walls and ceilings.

Does anyone think we should decorate our Mums room in the CH ? Some are "for" and other are neutral at the moment in the family re this.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
This is just my opinion.

I have decorated Lionel's room, mainly because he does not go into the other parts of the CH, which do look very festive now.

He does not 'know' 'understand' that his room does look very pretty, but the staff do seem to appreciate it.

Now, at each visit, I also put on his Christmas music. Who for?
If it reaches just some small part tucked away inside I will have achieved something.

You know your mum best, but I would 'go for it'


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Does anyone think we should decorate our Mums room in the CH ? Some are "for" and other are neutral at the moment in the family re this.

I've taken in a Christmassy arrangement (plants don't last five minutes in the heat), and a couple of 'santas'. I've also taken in a Christmas CD.

Like you, Connie, I don't think John's aware of it, but it does cheer the room up.

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
On a slightly different note ......

Christmas is already unsettling mum .... she is totally flustered and becoming very anxious about 'these cards coming from all over the place' ....... Some of this I think is caused by the fact she has managed to read names but of course, cannot think who the person is ....... or, since I took on EPA she has next to no post and she is alarmed at the number of items coming thru her letter box?

As last year I have bought a simple garland to make her living room look festive without causing the 'disruption' of a tree ... (which she always previously loved - the more over-sized for her living room the better:eek:) - but I am wondering whether she will even cope with me putting up her cards for her .... :confused:

Love, Karen, x


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
That's a problem I hadn't thought of, Karen, but I can see how upsetting it would be for your mum.

I never had that problem, John lost the ability to read quite early, but still knew people until this year. All he was concerned about was whether I had sent one back!



Registered User
Jul 10, 2006
south lanarkshire
Oh dear, was I supposed to clean the windows?:eek:

Hi Hazel

My Granny always taught me, to always clean the whole house for New Year (get rid of all the old dirt etc)and if a Christmas tree is obscuring the window, it makes sense, that the window should be cleaned first.

For years I have knocked myself out adhering to this tradition. This year, I have more to worry me. Sorry Granny:(

Enjoy your Christmas Dirty windows or not:D


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Same here, alfjess. Everything had to be spotless for New Year. Mustn't take the old year's dirt into the new.

Wonder if it's just a Scottish tradition?

Tradition? Huh! Nothing's traditional this year! (Though I suspect my mum would still have had her house spotless!):eek: