Nursing homes

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
Hi, following my brother (61 yrs old) being admitted to a unit under section 2 they have assessed him after the 28 days and said he can be discharged under DOLS to a nursing home. The social worker has given me a few local ones to visit that have said they can accommodate (although one of the homes said yes without visiting him just based decision on SW report 🤔) any tips welcome or do you just get gut feeling once there!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I didn’t visit the home my mum went to after being sectioned and it was OK, it was allocated through the social worker as she automatically went onto 117 after care ( section 2 after 28 days becomes a section 3 if the person remains in hospital and therefore they get 117 aftercare) The home if fine, a bit run down but the staff are fantastic and mum is settled and to be honest I didn’t really have much choice given her care needs. Why don’t you call the homes and speak with the manager, be honest about your brother’s situation and his diagnosis. The last thing either of you need if for a home to accept him and then say they can’t manage.
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Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
We just went on a trawl round them all. Sadly most fell into the category of cruise ship or bedlam.

Make a short list of what is acceptable, desired or a definite no. For example, in mums case we wanted an ensuite shower room. When she had to be moved into a nursing home, she was not able to sit to have a shower so it was not important
We saw one room like a box room in a nice home but too small. A couple of homes seem to only have agency staff who didn't know what was going on and one home just stank.
Also ask questions about nursing care, I was told by the first home they could care for mum until the end, but this changed when she became bedbound with contractures
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