nursing home


New member
Aug 6, 2023
Would appreciate help to make a very difficult decision. My husband has Parkinsons's Disease and has recently been diagnosed with dementia. I am struggling to decide if I should arrange for my husband to go into a nursing home. Two things in particular are making the decision very hard. First he has good days where he will have a walk in the garden. During these times I feel awful even thinking of a nursing home. Other times when I'm struggling to wash and dress him I feel a nursing home is right for both of us. The other issue is that the nursing home requires 2 years self funding. He can afford this now. However the nursing home fees rise each year - much faster than any interest on savings. Left too long and he will not be able to afford the 2yr self fund requirement. So there is financial pressure to act sooner rather than later, to ensure he goes to nursing home close by to enable me to visit regularly and one that has a good reputation. My husband does not want to go into a home. How to I make the right decision?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @CC9 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a lot of shared experience of dementia to be found here.
I am sorry to read of your husband's recent diagnosis... and coupled with Parkinson's disease, it will be extremely difficult for you. It certainly sounds as though he has good and bad days at present which is making the decision about a care home almost impossible.
I think you have to consider what his needs are, rather than what he wants, at this stage. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh. It's such a difficult decision to even think about, a loved one in a care home.
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