Noticeable progression


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
My husband is still fairly early stage with his Alzheimer’s . His progression has been very slow. Each time he’s gone to the memory clinic he tests the same. Except for having almost no short term memory he seems fairly normal. Today I decided to get a head start on wrapping some Christmas presents. My husband has always been very meticulous in wrapping gifts. Last year he was still very neat with his wrapping. Today he couldn’t tear the tape off of the roll and it brought tears to my eyes when I saw the gifts he wrapped looked like something a 4 year old would wrap. It’s the first time I’ve seem a huge difference in what he could do now from what he could do a year ago.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2023
Omgoodness I feel for you xxx. We are the same here x. My husband made me a cheese and pickle sandwich😒


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Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
These moments are awful aren’t they. This pic shows us trying to make bread and butter pudding. A few months prior mum could butter and stack the bread in the pot… it was being repeatedly stacked back in the margerine 😢😢


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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
My husband was the cook in our house. Everyone loved his curries and used to say restaurant curries couldn’t hold a candle to his.

The time came when he was unable to organise the spices. I suggested we put all the spices on the worktop and as he used each one he put it back on the rack. It was impossible for him even to understand what I meant.

Another time he used the salt twice, forgetting he’d already used it. To try to remedy this he added sugar.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2020
One of my powerful memories is returning home after a few days in hospital. At this point my partner could still be left at home alone but was beginning to show marked signs of deterioration. I couldn’t drive so gave him a short list of items to get at the supermarket. He came home with completely the wrong things. This was the moment I realised where we were heading and I simply broke down and howled.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
My OH was always very good at DIY and between us we had renovated 2 very run down houses.
In our present home I realised that he would no longer be able to fit a kitchen, so we got professionals in to do that, but we would do the decorating. I got out the paint, brushes and roller, but then suddenly realised that we had run out of milk. I told OH to make a start and rushed down to the local shop. When I got back he had done nothing and was just picking up each brush and the roller in turn, looking at it, then putting it down again and picking up the next one.......

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
I am feeling worried about my husband’s recent deterioration, for the last six years it has been so gradual that I thought for a long time I was imagining it, or maybe he was depressed. But lately things have been unraveling for him, he can no longer reliably microwave his lunch or make a hot drink. Getting his coat and shoes on can take an age and he won’t be helped.
Yesterday he decided to get his tools out and fix the downstairs toilet flush which was taking a couple of pulls to work. Two hours later there was water pouring out of the overflow, then he finally lost interest and wandered off. I had to jam something under the ballcock so that I could turn the mains water back on. That will be my job then tomorrow, trying to find a plumber to come out before Christmas. At least we still have another functioning toilet upstairs, let’s hope he doesn’t try to tinker with that one!
He still keeps peeing in the broken toilet, I will have to remember to put a bucket of water down it if I ever find a plumber.
He also wants me to come back and sleep in his room for a week at Christmas as a truce. Blimey no chance of that!
I had to stop him hitting someone’s husky dog with our lead the other day because he thought it was looking at him funny, it ended in an unseemly tussle between us till I took the lead off him and then he strode off in a huff. He seems to be going through a more active stage of weirdness and I wonder whatever next?
Sending love to all xxx


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My husband was an engineer by trade. One day the towel rail in the toilet broke and I bought a new one. It was very simple but it needed two holes drilled. I marked the wall where the holes needed to be and asked my husband to drill the holes. He spent one hour every day for five days looking at the marks on the wall and looking at the drill. That was my first real experience of his loss of skills.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Sometimes it’s the little things that that effect us the most. For me seeing those poorly wrapped presents was the moment I realized (as @Bettysue said) where we are headed.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2023
These moments are awful aren’t they. This pic shows us trying to make bread and butter pudding. A few months prior mum could butter and stack the bread in the pot… it was being repeatedly stacked back in the margerine 😢😢
Oh dear xxx


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
I realised just how bad mum had got when she tried to use her Tesco clubcard key fob to get money out of a cash machine. 🥺

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