Not speaking to me


Registered User
Mar 17, 2023
Last night my OH refused point blank to take his tablets and come to bed. He said I was being too bossy and always telling him what to do! I left him in the end and went to bed, checking every couple of hours that he was ok. So neither of us got much sleep.
This morning he has displayed quite odd behaviour, soaking the towels in the sink in the bathroom and just standing staring. He fell asleep over his breakfast and is either refusing to talk to me or respond or cannot hear me or understand. I don’t know whether he is still cross with me or there is a problem. He is falling asleep over his lunch but won’t come to the lounge to sit in a comfy chair. I know there is something called aphasia and he does struggle with language and understanding but is this ‘normal’? I just can’t get him to do anything I ask which doesnt bode well for a good nights sleep tonight. Plus I think he needs to change his pull ups but won’t let me help or check.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Time to phone 111 and get some advise, could be an infection of some sort but it needs checking out.
(111 UK, England one step down from a full on 999 call).
Please do it. K


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I am sure you have seen this posted on here before but any sudden change in behaviour should flag up possible infection.
Maybe UTI or chest infection. I would run this past GP if you can get in touch.
I hope this passes soon


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I agree that it would be a good moved to get your OH checked for a UTI. T