Non stop everyday


Registered User
Nov 2, 2023
Hi as years of a Carer for my mum it seems to be getting harder than how hard it’s been with washing constant changing both ends and past few weeks she won’t stop touching everything I have to watch every move she makes literally and now struggle to cook in the kitchen as she won’t sit still and touches and as the kitchen isn’t safe for her so I have to try to cook quickly but struggle to now ,I’m trying to work and run house with kids n my grandson and my son who has councilling due to social anxiety and school so making sure he is well to .all I’m used to is these 4 walls now .i had hives for a month and than a bad allergic reaction witch involved my face swell and body come out in bubbly hives ,doc said it was stress levels n that’s how our body reacts so now on antihistamines everyday for as long as I have to and doc said keep stress levels down easier said than done especially wen I have anxiety.feel low sad and think what’s the point anymore but as we do we carry on .i understand my mum has dimentia and it won’t b easy but it’s getting mentally draining now for myself to but as I do I carry on .i don’t want to sound like a moaning mini just needed to get it off my chest .i have the memory service due out this week to see how she is ect after 8 months of not seeing them but suppose there busy to .i don’t know how long I can do this for but I will try my hardest as I allways have , just don’t want my health going down to .she has no savings or income as she allways relyed on a man 🤦‍♀️I’ve done all my homework and been told the same thing over again with care homes ect cost ect I’ve even looked at hospic to for future as I know things will get even worse .i know she needs professional care to .She can’t wash change herself hasn’t been able to for over a year and now she’s very restlessness and I’ve had to turn into a chameleon now for her own safety to .by time night comes I’m exhausted.suppose it is what it is it’s just very hard .thank you for lending me your ear ❤️


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hello @Sarah4 I am reading your post and listening to your troubles. Gosh you certainly have a lot on your plate, trying to care for all your family as well as your Mum. When the memory service call by this week, be sure to tell them exactly what you have told us. You are reaching carer burnout and you need help for you and your mum. It’s building to a crisis, so let them know. Good luck and do keep in touch to let us know how things are.


Registered User
May 22, 2023
This is really hard to read this. You are doing so so much. You need to get SS to get involved. You need to get an assessment done very quickly. Please contact them and admiral nurse to get further advice.
You can't continue like this xxx


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Thank you for posting Sarah4, sometimes when I read a post like yours i realise what a relatively easy ride I got with both mum and my wife.
Thank you for posting. K


Registered User
Nov 2, 2023
Thank you for your reply’s I appreciate it ,it’s hard as ur heart keeps going to what is best and my mum didn’t ask for this to happen to her but than you have to think of your own health wich isn’t so good but I do best I can just a bit to hard now .thank u ♥️


Registered User
Nov 2, 2023
Hello @Sarah4 I am reading your post and listening to your troubles. Gosh you certainly have a lot on your plate, trying to care for all your family as well as your Mum. When the memory service call by this week, be sure to tell them exactly what you have told us. You are reaching carer burnout and you need help for you and your mum. It’s building to a crisis, so let them know. Good luck and do keep in touch to let us know how things are.
Thank you ♥️


Registered User
Nov 2, 2023
This is really hard to read this. You are doing so so much. You need to get SS to get involved. You need to get an assessment done very quickly. Please contact them and admiral nurse to get further advice.
You can't continue like this xxx
Thank u appreciate it x


Registered User
May 15, 2021
Hi @Sarah4 you really cannot go on like this, it does sound like you have reached breaking point. As @Angelsoul said, you should contact SS and your doctor and let them know you can't do this any more, you have done so much already. You have your own family to think about, as well as your own health. I do hope you get the help you need.