

Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i had an awful night. i dreamt that i had to get the kids and a dog to a tiny cave in the sand dune. i then had to roll down a steel shutter and put a big wooden bung into the hole to seal it up as the sea would come in and drown us so important to get the seal done properly.
the sad titan disaster has fed into my phobia of water. i didnt read about it in the papers as i skipped those pages but heard about it on the news.
that would have been one of my worse nightmares.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
i had an awful night. i dreamt that i had to get the kids and a dog to a tiny cave in the sand dune. i then had to roll down a steel shutter and put a big wooden bung into the hole to seal it up as the sea would come in and drown us so important to get the seal done properly.
the sad titan disaster has fed into my phobia of water. i didnt read about it in the papers as i skipped those pages but heard about it on the news.
that would have been one of my worse nightmares.
And the young man that went with his dad was terrified according to his aunt. The heat was probably also a factor. Do you have a fan in your bedroom @jennifer1967?



Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Posted this on my own diary thread but thought maybe I should post it here too ;)

I was just replying to a friend's post when it reminded me I had a dream about my dad last night, bit of a flashback really. Dad had taken me at my mum's insistence to do some labouring for him on a foreigner (an extra job) at somebody's house. I was only sixteen, thin as a rake and some chap was dropping off cement and such, he tossed me a hundred-weight bag which I attempted to catch on my shoulder... Unsurprisingly the bag burst, I collapsed onto the floor and ended up looking like some crazed mime! This generated mirth and smiles all round as my dad took two bags one on each shoulder, now he was only 5'5 but made it look really easy! Anyways I was encouraged to try again and again with the same results, it was a happy dream of sorts but it reminded me how hard dad had to work for so little in return. He did it though to keep his family, put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. For all my achievements if I could just be half the person he was I'd be doing alright (and we are) ;) A good man.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good afternoon everyone,

The music shop where I work is moving into new premises and today I was supposed to be working in the new shop. Last night I had a dream that I was in the new shop but the computers weren't working today I find an email asking me to cancel my Piano pupils because they have no power!



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Good afternoon everyone,

The music shop where I work is moving into new premises and today I was supposed to be working in the new shop. Last night I had a dream that I was in the new shop but the computers weren't working today I find an email asking me to cancel my Piano pupils because they have no power!

do they pay if its their fault? you were probably worrying about it all ready but a bit dejavu


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My mum's nan was a 'sensitive', very Irish and very religious apparently. Even though I'm a scientist at heart, I know for a fact it is in our family's genes.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning everyone,

I dreamt that after an argument with my brothers I went on holiday with both parents who apparently both had dementia (mum did not have dementia but she did have hospital delirium!). I dreamt we were all sharing the same room and that mum's 'dementia' was worse than dad's Alzheimer's!

For the first few weeks after mum's death I kept dreaming of her with delirium and up until last night I was dreaming of her as she was!



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Good morning everyone,

I dreamt that after an argument with my brothers I went on holiday with both parents who apparently both had dementia (mum did not have dementia but she did have hospital delirium!). I dreamt we were all sharing the same room and that mum's 'dementia' was worse than dad's Alzheimer's!

For the first few weeks after mum's death I kept dreaming of her with delirium and up until last night I was dreaming of her as she was!

memories are returning after a thread that is very close to home.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning everyone!

I dreamt I was having a fierce argument with my eldest brother last night!



Registered User
Jul 18, 2022
Good morning Everyone!

I had a good night until I dreamt that I'd returned from somewhere and found that my late mum, who passed away before dad, had come back and taken him out of the care home! I had a fruitless discussion with her and pretended to be dad on a bad day all to no avail then I woke up in my new flat! It was such a vivid dream.

I dreamt about my mum wearing her coat, waiting in line in Santander to draw money out. But when she went to sign she couldn't so I offered to do it as I had power of attorney. A cashier took her to a table & I was looking at them both, thinking, it doesn't matter she can't sign for it, she's dead. Do I tell the cashier she's dead? Or will I ruin the time continuum (I watch far too much Star Trek obviously 🤣).

I think it's normal to dream of our loved ones as they're never far from our thoughts at this time.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Jenny11 and @jennifer1967,

I think I know how I came to have this dream it's because I'd had an issue with my local chemist over my prescription. On Thursday morning I phoned the chemist to ask if they had my prescription and when they confirmed it I said I would be there in half an hour. I actually there within an hour and it was still in the queue so I waited for a while and then I had to ask how long it would be. The receptionist couldn't confirm this so I said I would have to come back. I know they were busy as they were rearranging the pharmacy section in the store. Anyhow the chemist said to phone before coming so I said I did.

I felt concerned that I was walking away without my medicine but anyway the next day I decided to make another attempt to get hold of my medicine. I decided to phone and I ended up phoning them dozens of times because they were either not answering or engaged. I took a chance and went to the chemist and luckily my medicine was ready but when I waited to collect it I could hear some of poor person trying to get hold of them and they weren't answering the phone so I think this is why I had that dream because I was quite angry with them.

Unfortunately in my family if we had an argument my eldest brother was usually involved and when he met my SIL she didn't make things any better. I still remember how they made mum's last Xmas quite miserable and how they made themselves estranged from both families.



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning everyone!

Last night I dreamt I was playing the part of the victim in a detective programme. I had to walk over a high wobbly bridge and fall to the ground after being hit by two women!
