Newly diagnosed


Registered User
Jun 29, 2017
Hi - my dad has recently been diagnosed with Vascular dementia and perhaps with a mix of Alzheimer's but waiting for this to be confirmed.

I wasn't with my mum at the formal diagnosis as a Admiral Nurse came to their home which was fantastic and had all of the brain scans etc.. she then carried out the necessary tests questions but said that he had 60percent ??? Not sure what this really means ?? Not sure if this is the progression of the disease- thought I would ask I may have to go back to the Nurse and ask .

I do think Dad has had it for a while but as he had had a brain injury we made excuses and blamed that. His mobility is very poor and toileting an issue and memory is poor. My husband and I have built an annexe and both my mum and dad are moving in with us but I worry he will become even more confused with all the changes Any advice greatly appreciated


Registered User
May 10, 2017
Hi Cookie43

I'm sorry to her about your dads recent diagnoses, this link may help you with regards to learning a bit more regarding Vascular Dementia.

With regards to whether he might become confused regarding the changes that are happening, its a tough one to call, some people adapt seamlessly and others find it hard to adapt to the changes. However its good that your aware that this maybe a possibility, is there any way you can try to foresee potential problem areas that he may have and make a plan on how you can help him through those moments?


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Hello Cookie, and welcome. To be honest, I'm not sure what the 60% means either, without knowing exactly what tests and score the nurse used. On a practical level, knowing the diagnosis doesn't in itself, change anything - your dad is the same as he was right before diagnosis. It does mean though that you can maybe think ahead a bit, and make plans. Get POA in place, if you haven't already.
As to whether the move will confuse your dad? It may well do, to an extent. Against that, your parents would then have family support on hand, which would be an enormous help - and having them closer would I'm sure be less stressful for you too.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2017

Its good to have found this site just to share and receive advice from people who going through this - Thanks:)


Registered User
Jul 4, 2017
New diagnosis...

Hi all. My husband..a fit 80 year old..has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers. He has been confused and forgetful over the past year having had anaesthetic while having a pacemaker fitted. Suddenly it has got worse and he has started seeing people in the house who aren't there and his voice seems to be getting croaky and weaker on occasions. Are these symptoms? It all seems to be happening very quickly.
Any help or info or advice very gratefully received. Thank you.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2017
Just now i read your post and got lots of proper information from here. I am really surprised for that. Thanks for your post.