Newbie here - Mum just diagnosed


New member
Feb 29, 2024
Hello, Mum just diagnosed with mixed Dementia. Altzheimers and Vascular. The family have been struggling to get a diagnosis evn though we and her care home have been pushing. Relieved in a strange way. Struggling to deal with Mums anger and mood sewings. I live 450 miles away and sadly we lost both of my sisters and Dad. So coping alone with the guilt and frustration of trying to help Mum. Otherwise a happy cheery person living in a beautiful part of the UK. I work as a Coastguard, Event Medic amd Responder for the ambulance service. PS:-i supposedly retired 2 years ago...


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Meva6 and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a lot of shared experience of dementia to be found here, so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read about your Mum's recent diagnosis. It's tough even if you were half expecting it. And it is a particular challenge for you living so far away. I hope you are happy that the care she is receiving is of a good standard. That will be some comfort at least.
The following link may help for information:
Do have a good look around the various sections of the forum and ask any particular questions you may like to.
This is a good safe space to share only what you want to; and I know some members find it helps just putting things down on here sometimes. Members here really do understand and want to help.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome, as said by Gosling, have a read around and see, 450 miles is a lot of distance to care for someone, it can't be easy for you.
For the record my boats are both of the canal type, don't do the Lumpy Water type of sailing. K

Sarah TF

New member
Feb 29, 2024
Hello @Meva6, I've just found this forum by accident and thought it looked really useful so I've just signed up. My husband has had a diagnosis of mixed dementia for just over a year, won't take any medication and is gradually deteriorating. I know what you mean "relieved in a strange way". To be honest I was glad to get the diagnosis as I knew something wasn't right and hadn't been for a long time!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Sarah TF.

I’m sorry to hear about your husband‘s diagnosis but it’s good that you’ve come across this forum.

Sarah TF

New member
Feb 29, 2024
Thank you Izzy, it's great reading some of the posts and seeing that other people are in the same boat so to speak! It can feel isolating at times, especially since my husband won't attend our local group but it's good to hear other people's experiences.


New member
Mar 1, 2024
Hi @Meva6 - Another Newbie to the site and forum - my Mum was diagnosed exactly a week ago with Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia. We were expecting some kind of diagnosis but both have floored us all. We had just got her to a good place accepting that she had memory issues and now it seems like we've gone back to square one. Stumbled across the forum purely by accident but will be browsing for anything that I can find to help support her and my Dad too. Have found it so helpful reading peoples own experiences


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @peh2705.

I’m so sorry to read about your mum’s diagnosis. It must all feel so surreal to you just now.

I’m really glad you’ve found this forum. I know you will find so much understanding and support here.


New member
Feb 29, 2024
Hi @Meva6 - Another Newbie to the site and forum - my Mum was diagnosed exactly a week ago with Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia. We were expecting some kind of diagnosis but both have floored us all. We had just got her to a good place accepting that she had memory issues and now it seems like we've gone back to square one. Stumbled across the forum purely by accident but will be browsing for anything that I can find to help support her and my Dad too. Have found it so helpful reading peoples own experiences
Yes. Similar here. Hard fir us harder for Mum. Now seems on a downward spiral. Hospitalised today as she cant keep anything down. May be her Parkinsons

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