New paranoia and negativity aimed at wife and carer


New member
May 25, 2024
Hello. My husband had a severe stroke many years ago. He made a reasonable recovery physically ,as in walking with a stick fairly slowly. Some cognitive things were lost like money and how much things cost. After a heart attack 3 years ago he was put on bisoprolol. Whilst in hospital post heart attack, with subsequent low sodium levels- life threatening, get him to hospital scenario, he told me about the drug gang breaking into the drugs cabinet, aided by staff who were in cahoots with them. This was certainly not the case! Recently I have become concerned about his perception of reality again, plus many symptoms which point possibly to bisoprolol being the drug causing these. Hallucinations once again whilst left alone in A and E while I went to fetch the car. The drug gang was there again! Ah really! Oh dear!
The result of my concern is to raise the issue of the depression and anxiety that I have experienced in the many years since my husband’s stroke, and doctors whom I have never met (useless practice that we are in the process of leaving), signposted by a social worker with a ‘duty of care’, have referred me to the community mental health team- repeatedly. They wouldn’t see me when I was depressed last time so it’s a bit ironic that they are hounding me now, when I am mentally well, but concerned about my partner!
Anyone with any helpful hints or clues out there? I thought that I literally could not cope now that my husband has turned against me- presently in respite care for the first time in 14 years. Now it seems that our adult children have decided that the best thing short term is for him to be in our separate annexe, with carers etc, and I can ignore whatever goes on in there. Feeling like my life is not my own and I really would like it back after 14 years. And possible dementia is a step too far for me to deal with. Help!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry, delusions can be very difficult to live with. Respite is probably a good idea at the moment to give you some space.

Low sodium levels can cause dementia like symptoms. When someone has low sodium levels the usual advice is to change the drug, limit fluid intake, or give sodium supplements. Has he had a recent blood test to check the sodium levels? Have you got back to the doctor who prescribed the bisoprolol to ask what to do?