New member

Jun 4, 2024
My name is Jacqueline. My mother was recently diagnosed with sudden onset vascular dementia. Teferrals /assessments are taking forever so I am stuggling alone. Mam lives with me so I am her main /only carer.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello Jacqueline and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum, but sorry to hear of your mam's diagnosis. You will find friendly support here from people who understand. I don't have personal experience of vascular dementia, my mum had Alzheimer's, but in relation to your mam's sudden change in behaviour is it possible that she may have an infection or some other health issue that is making her feel unwell? Any type of infection can cause sudden changes in behaviour in someone with dementia and things like a urine infection can be difficult to spot. Others here may have experienced the same behaviour and will hopefully be able to offer some suggestions, but it might be worth getting your mam's doctor/GP to check her over in case there is a specific health problem causing the changes.