New Member


New member
Feb 8, 2024
Mam has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Not too sure what stage shes at but either mid or late. Mams anxiety has rapidly deteriorated and no longer wants to live.
Shes in hospital atm recovering from pneumonia and started a new drug for her anxiety and is unable to get out of her bed.
My biggest worry is finding somewhere which can deal with dementia, nursing and Emi 😔

Thanks for letting me join the group ❤️

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Wel;come @Deswert12

You can use the time your mother is in hospital to research care homes in your area and contact those you think are suitable.



New member
Feb 8, 2024
Mam has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Not too sure what stage shes at but either mid or late. Mams anxiety has rapidly deteriorated and no longer wants to live.
Shes in hospital atm recovering from pneumonia and started a new drug for her anxiety and is unable to get out of her bed.
My biggest worry is finding somewhere which can deal with dementia, nursing and Emi 😔

Thanks for letting me join the group ❤️
Hi in our hospital there is a beds team who know the care home options locally and are a good place to start.
Our is called the enhanced care team, but the beds team is what they’re usually known as. Try and see if you have one, they know which homes can cope with complex needs and did the selection for us.