New Member

Purple retriever

New member
Jan 18, 2024
Hi I’ve just joined and I was the primary carer for my uncle who has moderate learning disabilities and dementia and he’s been in residential care since 25/9/22. I’m his Deputy under the Court of Protection for Both Orders of Property and Financial Affairs and Health and Personal Welfare. Despite having to do 4 Annual Reports to the OPG as I’m also the Deputy for my other uncle, but it’s soo important that we’ve got these orders as we had the Overall Option where Tony went to live due to having these Orders. I still miss being his Primary Carer but due to the level of his needs increasing but I have my own health issues. But cos I’ve previously worked and managed Residential Care homes it gives me more knowledge. I must admit that some of the stuff that’s occurred hasn’t been good and he’s sadly been physically abused by Staff and it’s still being investigated by the police!!
Also I’m sure that my mum who’s been addicted to alcohol on and off for most of my life, but is sober again but I’m convinced that she’s got alcohol related dementia
So I’m looking for support and advice thanks


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Purple retriever.

I’m sorry to read about your situation. You have a lot on hour plate.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. I’m sure you’ll find support and understanding here.