New member


New member
Jan 12, 2024
Hello, I hope you are all well? I just wanted to say hello. My mum is 80 and has had Alzchimers for just over 4 years and has just moved to a nursing home. I’m 39 and really struggling with not having her to talk to. I’m raising 3 daughters and I’m lonely and miss the chats and advice. It’s such a brutal disease. So I just wanted to reach out to anyone else who’s sad and lonely and missing the person behind the Alzheimer’s xxx


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Welcome to the forum @CB23

My mum passed some years ago now and I still miss her - especially when I would’ve have turned to her for advice. I was raising 2 daughters, both in their teens, alone when my mum got sick. I remember thinking how cruel it was to lose someone and still have them there. I’m sure you’ll find lots of people here who know how you feel and will do their best to support you.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @CB23 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum from me also. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here, and member really do want to help.

I know exactly what you mean too. I lost my dear Mum to Alzheimer's eighteen months ago, and I do miss being able to talk and share with her. In fairness, she lost the ability to communicate anything back to me for the previous two years, but she was there.

What I would say is try to cherish the good moments, a smile or whatever. Tell her you love her as she can probably still hear you. Make the most of now, as difficult as it may be. It's a cruel disease to see the slow decline of a loved one. I do feel for you.