New member saying hello


Registered User
Aug 28, 2023
Hi, my name is Tony, my wife and OH of nearly 30 years was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) nearly 3 years ago after a nurse at our GP Surgery noticed her repeating the same questions several times. I am now 70, my OH is a few years older… However this year has what seems to have been for both of us a rapid decline and the diagnosis changed to “Dementia - type Alzheimer’s mild” and I am her carer of course.

Many thanks to all those who have posted on this Forum, some of the things I have read has been really useful posts and I know that everything I am seeing is being shared by so many others!

We are still on her “medication journey” with very good support from the local Old Peoples Mental Health Team (OMPHT), we aren’t where either of us would like to be! The biggest issues that caused us grief are (using OMPHT terms) “loss of my recognition” and “loss of our story”, usually both at the same time… That is probably not too surprising as this is not our first marriage, we met nearly 30 years ago and have just gone through our 27th wedding anniversary. When she slips back temporarily for more than 30 years of course then I don’t exist! When these types of events first happened I found it very difficult to deal with (naturally I guess).

I am still learning (and struggling, I recognise the “screaming inside” comment on many forum posts) on how to give non inflammatory answers to many (ordinary husband and wife talking) questions and comments, which is so hard in these circumstances! I have been given 3 simple rules, don’t correct, don’t contradict and don’t argue. The first 2 can be so hard sometimes, a simple question which I would normally answer with “yes I know” can really set things off… I am learning, I know it’s much, much harder for her than me! I can just agree with many other people, this illness / disease is just the worst!

Oops, less of an introduction and more of a ramble!

Ps the Dementia Support phone line is also brilliant!


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hi @TonyDB and welcome. It's great that you've already found some useful posts here and have also made use of the Dementia Support Line. No need to apologise for a ramble, you are going through situations that so many others on here will recognise, and just knowing that you are not on your own and others here understand, can really help. Caring for someone with dementia isn't easy as it doesn't come with an instruction manual, but there is always someone here to listen and I hope that you will continue to post to let us know how you and your wife are getting on.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello from me also @TonyDB You will find lots of help and advice on the forum. You might find it useful to start a regular thread in the - I have a partner with dementia - forum. I have attached a link for you.

Your three rules are good but as you are finding it can be hard to follow. I have also attached another link (compassionate communication) which you might find useful.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2018
I’ve lost my mum to this disease but inherited her friend! Her children didn’t have a clue and are struggling…
It’s hard to deal with it’s trail and error x