New here!


New member
Feb 4, 2024

My name is Simon I have recently become a part time carer for my parents, both of whom have dementia. My mother has had vascular and Alzheimer’s for a number of years and the last 6 months have seen my step dad becoming a lot more forgetful and struggling to remember things we have recently discussed.

Both of my parents still live at home together and are “just about coping” with a paid carer coming in for an hour a day, my increasingly frequent visit to sort things out.

I know I’m going to need all sorts of advice, how to do, and all sorts of things to help me anticipate what’s next, what I need to do and how.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2023
Simon you have come to the right place the number of people and the wealth of experience is awesome. you name it and someone will send you in the right direction. i recently signed up for the alzheimers news letter as person with alzheimers the is tons of info for me


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Hi Simon, welcome to the forum, you'll find lots of advice from others on here. are your parents getting attendance allowance ?....


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Simon @Seanchranai and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia here and members really do want to help.
I am sorry to read of your parents health issues, although good that they are still able to be in their own home, with support from a carer and yourself.
I would suggest you just have a think about and consider the future in terms of more care support, be it more carer visits or in the medium to long term, possibly residential care.
The other thing it would be wise to sort asap ( as your parents need to still have capacity to understand what they are doing) if not already done, is Lasting Power of Attorney for both the health and welfare one and the property and finance one. This will make things easier for you further down the line.
Do anyway have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. You'll always find understanding and a listening ear here.


New member
Feb 4, 2024
Hello Simon @Seanchranai and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia here and members really do want to help.
I am sorry to read of your parents health issues, although good that they are still able to be in their own home, with support from a carer and yourself.
I would suggest you just have a think about and consider the future in terms of more care support, be it more carer visits or in the medium to long term, possibly residential care.
The other thing it would be wise to sort asap ( as your parents need to still have capacity to understand what they are doing) if not already done, is Lasting Power of Attorney for both the health and welfare one and the property and finance one. This will make things easier for you further down the line.
Do anyway have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. You'll always find understanding and a listening ear here.
Thank you for the welcome and I appreciate any support and help anyone can offer. We are trying to get the POA’s in place, the paperwork is awaiting certifying signatures from the people appointed to ensure my parents understand and haven’t been coerced into signing. Then the attorney signatures will be straightforward and then these can be registered.

We are at a point where a carer is going in for an hour every day and I would love it to be for more hours but (if it is such a thing!) I am still firefighting some issues before I can address some of the things mentioned. They have had social care assessments and have benefits and accessible tech in the home. We also have an upcoming visit to a supported living/housing scheme with nursing support if needed. I’m currently struggling to get them back to a position where their health is stable and while the POA isn’t in place, supporting them to access their banking. Forgotten PIN numbers and login details is all the rage at the moment.