New here. Hello!


New member
Dec 28, 2023
Hi, I'm Viv, 48 yrs old and my Mum, 89 has vascular dementia. She had a fall on 3rd November and has been in hospital since. No broken bones just lost a lot of confidence. The hospital say she now needs full time care. I have been looking at care homes. I live 100 miles form her. Mum was diagnosed 4 years ago and is now quite thin and frail and had some delirium in hospital. Mum doesn't want to go into a home and wants to leave the house to me but I have no option but to sell the house to fund her care. Mum has to be encouraged to eat, drink and she often refuses her medication. It's a nightmare. I am an only child and have no other relatives to discuss this with. It's a huge weight on my shoulders to do the right thing for me and Mum.


New member
Dec 28, 2023
Morning! Viv I read your message. I just register myself 5min ago for my mum too. My mum leaves back home in India. 5000 miles. I got feeling my mum also suffering with similar conditions, still not certified from doc. she refused to see doc. I am trying to find right doc & treatment for her. family situation very complicated so looking for support so just came across this site.
Hopefully u find the support here too Good Luck ! :)


New member
Dec 28, 2023
HI Nita, Thanks for your message and lovely to meet you. How hard having her so far away. Glad we can all support each other here. Good luck with everything too. Best wishes, Viv :)


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
@Nita7 and @VJK75 - welcome to both of you. I’m so glad you have both found this forum. I’m sure you will find lots of help, support and understanding here.


New member
Dec 28, 2023
G'afternoon ! Thanks Lzzy & Viv. 2 days ago i found one of charity base in Gujrat & contact the person. turn out that person is founder of that charity. She is so lovely help me and she said she will happy to support my family via talking to them over the phone. make them understand how we all as family help my mum.

Yesterday my mum was in really good mood. i tried asking her few questions like Birth dates of family members, few location reading big words, asked about her coloring book, i asked her to write down time tables & compete with my dad.. as day to day every day is different.

I can see here so much similar experienced everybody going through with loved one, when i ready i feel I'm not alone. Thank you! HAPPY NEW YEAR !


New member
Dec 28, 2023
hiya SeaSwallow thank you so much I'll have a look. I am just so worried & scared but same time I know i need to stay hopeful & positive.
thank you!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
hiya SeaSwallow thank you so much I'll have a look. I am just so worried & scared but same time I know i need to stay hopeful & positive.
thank you!
Hi Nita
Feeling worried and scared is a natural reaction, but it sounds as though you will have support where you live and you can always talk to us here