New drugs or delirium ?


Registered User
Jun 14, 2023
Hello , my mum has Alzheimer's and mixed dementia .She had a hip replacement and now has to be hoisted everywhere as she can't stand up .
She becomes agitated with the hoist and lashes out at the carers . So her doctor rang me and said he was going to put her on a low dose of respiridon ( not sure how that's spelt ) .
The last few days she's been spaced out , not talking , sleepy and not eating properly .
So does anyone have experience of this drug and it's side affects or could she have delirium ?
There just seems to be one problem after another with me trying to keep up . So awful for my lovely mum to be suffering so much .


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @upsanddownsdays I am sorry to read about your mum’s hip replacement and her reaction to being hoisted.

It is hard for us to judge on here if her tiredness is due to the medication or some other issue. It might be useful to speak to your mum’s doctor about your concerns. Sometimes a change of medication can help.


New member
Jun 2, 2024
Morning I would definitely say it is the drug having its effect. I hope your mum,s hip heals quickly and. She starts to feel better . Kind wishes lom


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
My mum has Parkinson's and minimal mobility and absolutely hates hoists. I think it's a very unnerving experience for some people. Mum used to get very anxious with the hoist and not be very cooperative so now a special type of stand aid is used which she feels much more in control of.

Was the hip replacement recent? May be the hoist is causing discomfort and this is being translated into aggression?

As for medication, always talk with the GP about the reasons for use and the pro's and cons.



Registered User
Jun 14, 2023
Hello , just a follow up to my first post as it may help someone else. I saw mums doctor , the medicine is only temporary to give my mum chance to have some peace especially with the hoist . Then he will review it .
On Monday she was much happier and more settled and chatting and laughing so hopefully things will be better now .
Thank you for your replies xx