New diagnosis

L Sarg

New member
Feb 20, 2023
Hello everyone,
My Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in November. I have so many worries about him and my mam. I constantly have a nagging feeling in my tummy that something is going to happen to him


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @L Sarg welcome to dementia talking point. Sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis. My mum was diagnosed over 9 years ago now and it's natural to feel worried about the future when someone you love is first diagnosed but there is lots of help and support available. This forum is a great place to ask questions, have a vent or just chat to others who are in the same situation.

Is there anything specific that is making you worried about something happening to your dad? There is a lot of shared experience here and it's a friendly and supportive place where people will listen to any concerns and understand. It's a good idea to get some practical things like power of attorney in place after a diagnosis, if your dad doesn't already done so, and also check that he is getting all the benefits he is entitled to, and you might find this Dementia Guide useful:

If you'd like to speak to someone directly about how you are feeling the people on the Dementia Support Line are very helpful and friendly too:

Keep posting, as it can really help to be in a group where people understand how you are feeling.

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