Never Enough


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
My hubby diagnosed 2 and a half years ago, hasn't seen a specialist since 2011. This is because he refuses to go. Like he refused to go doctors when we first suspected something was wrong and like he refuses to do anything else if he doesn't like it. I know not to take it personally I am just letting off steam. He is still on Aricept which he has been on since 2010. It doesn't seem to be doing anything for him. He can't talk now without slurring quite badly and is getting harder to understand. He also drags his left leg and has now had a couple of falls. His right hand shakes and he jerks all the time. Today we went to our GP as a few people have asked me if he has Parkinsons as well. GP says he could have Parkinsons but we would need to see neurologist at hospital. If Parkinsons they may be able to help with his leg. Hubby didn't understand what doctor was saying just got really angry at me that I was talking to the doctor! As he can't talk properly I don't know what he expects. My daughter who is getting married this year has proposed we buy a house together so that I can afford to go part time and that we can all help look after him . She is also trying to get flexi time at work so she can spend more time with him at home. We are all bending over backwards to help him but it never seems enough. He has refused to eat or speak to me since we got back from the doctors this morning. Grrrrr!!:mad:


Registered User
Feb 22, 2010
It sounds familiar

I don't tell my husband if we have a doctors appointment or if our social worker/mental health team worker is going to visit until I have to. I feel I really suffer if anything different happens. I think these people remind him that he has a problem and we never mention the A word (Alzheimers) At the moment I am trying to set up a sitter service but he isn't happy about it and I am feeling very tense because a lady is coming tomorrow for the first time. My husband hates me going anywhere without him I think he is probably frightened and insecure with this horrible condition. Like you I need to rant a bit as feeling I am losing myself and give, give giving. On a happy note when we are out and about and he is cheerful I wonder why I sometime feel so depressed.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2010
Sorry to read of your experience. I understand dad is on Aricept, if this is the case, although he has not seen the specialist, he should be seen / assessed by the CPN at least every 6 months. If dad has a CPN, perhaps speak to them, explain matters and seek their advice. I have found this approach to be helpful for two relatives. Good luck.


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
You've had my day

Oh dear, it was like reading all my own words, you poor thing. I took Dad to GP today and it was like climbing Mt Everest with him on my back.

I just want to scream and shout and rant and fall in a heap and cry, just like you must feel.

I am so sorry you are having a hard time, and sometimes it is so hard to love someone and care for them when you're tired out and feel unloved as well.

Feel free to type your anger out here and we will read it and say, Amen to that, sister.

Take care of yourself.
Stephanie, xxx