Needing advice


New member
Feb 1, 2024
I’m really not sure if I have come to the right place to ask for advice, this is the only forum I could find. Although agar joint I realised it Alzheimer’s forum.

here goes….
We have recently lost my children’s father. Me and him were not officially together at the time of his passing. We share two children together. Am I right by thinking the children shouldn’t have inherited anything, his possessions and so on. The children have nothing only a few items which I’ve managed to scrambled together for them. Their father has been took away from them in life and now death. They have a very very small amount of their father’s ashes. I’m lost for words as I feel my children have been totally pushed out of the picture. Forget to mention their ages they are 2 years and 4 years. They also have money donated at the funeral which was supposed to go into a savings account split between the children as a form of inheritance from their father however that is yet to be done. I don’t no where else to reach out for help, or what rights they have as they are so young. Everything I have come across states all belonging and so on go to the off springs which are his children as me and the father wasn’t officially together when he passed. However me and him were so so close and it was always us two against the world when times got tough if that makes sence.

Thank you and I appreciate it if you managed to read all of that and very appreciative if anyone is able to give me any advice at all.