My wife is in denial


New member
May 9, 2019
Geraldine I love reading your accounts of visits to see Keith, I can see why you say it is like being in a family. My mother's CH is brilliant but the activities are very tame compared to what you describe! Best wishes to you and Keith, hope he is on good form next time you visit.
My wife is in denial of mem. Loss and confusion. What do i do...she refuses to see her gp...


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
My wife is in denial of mem. Loss and confusion. What do i do...she refuses to see her gp...

Write to/email the GP expressing your concern and suggesting she is asked to attend a well woman clinic or similar.
The GP will not be able to discuss her health with you but should respond as (s)he has a duty of care towards your wife.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hello @SigerHolmes and welcome
it's often the case that the person someone is concerned about doesn't see the need to see their GP
so I agree with nitram ... maybe keep a journal for a couple of weeks noting any issues that come up, so you have specifics for her GP, and have a chat with the GP yourself ... they may not act or feel able to discuss your wife's health with you, but they do have to record your concerns, and they may be proactive
other things can cause similar symptoms to dementia, such as stress, depression and deficiency in vitamin B12 ... would your wife go with you to see the GP because YOU want to discuss taking some supplements recommended for older folk and you'd like her company/moral support - if you'd previously forewarned your GP, they could maybe use that as a way to apparently talk to you both