My wife has dementia, she sleeps a lot.

Dave 2400

New member
Nov 6, 2023
Good Afternoon,
my wife has Dementia, she sleeps a lot
stays in bed most of the day, gets aggressive when you try to explain things. She repeats herself and doesn't like when you try to explain things.
my son and daughter in law come to visit and look after her whilst I'm out on a friday. I volunteer with Sight Life at there gardening club, it's getting very stressful during the rest of the wke.
if she doesn't want to do something she puts her head over the landing and says Dave I'm not feeling very well I'm going back to bed, very very stressful , this happens 7 days a wke. I do do the shopping on a Wednesday with or without her .


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Hi @Dave 2400 and welcome - I hope you'll find it to be a supportive and welcoming place here. I'm really sorry to hear about your wife, and that she has been aggressive. It sounds like things are incredibly stressful for you. Other members will be along soon to offer you some support and suggestions.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2023
Good Afternoon,
my wife has Dementia, she sleeps a lot
stays in bed most of the day, gets aggressive when you try to explain things. She repeats herself and doesn't like when you try to explain things.
my son and daughter in law come to visit and look after her whilst I'm out on a friday. I volunteer with Sight Life at there gardening club, it's getting very stressful during the rest of the wke.
if she doesn't want to do something she puts her head over the landing and says Dave I'm not feeling very well I'm going back to bed, very very stressful , this happens 7 days a wke. I do do the shopping on a Wednesday with or without her .
Oh Dave, my mum has vascular dementia and she is gradually spending more and more days in bed. She tells me she's not feeling well and/or is tired. Very sleepy , but on other days she gets up and seems fine. I think the dementia makes them very tired. I also get the same questions repeatedly day after day. It's hard going.


New member
May 22, 2024
Yeah my mum sleeps alot, started about a year ago, she had dementia about 7 years now. She seems to get tired very easily which I can understand. She is still mobile and does get up for toilet, drink, snack. I check on her, leave her a drink on beside table . Longest period she gets up for now is late afternoon into evening for a meal and tv, chat which is very repetitive but I just go along with it.
If sleep is what she wants or needs I let her do it, she does seem to need alot of rest otherwise she gets grumpy!


Registered User
May 5, 2019
I have alzheimers. I sleep a lot. The tiredness and exhaustion is profound and i cannot fight it. I sleep a lot of the day and night too.


Registered User
May 5, 2019
Part of this is the body systems gradually shutting down over time. Time and variations occur with individuals. The brain is obviously part of this gradual process and sleep is what we need. Please allow this and accept it is part of this cursed disease. It is not something either you or I can alter.


Registered User
May 19, 2023
Hello Dunroamin It’s very unusual to have someone with Alzheimer’s, contribute to the discussions. Your personal input is greatly appreciated and valued. My wife has AD and I told my son that his mother was sleeping more these days - he lives in Cyprus. ‘Let her sleep’, he said, ‘but she must, at some point, exercise.’
Exercise is key to keeping on top of things, yet I find it so hard to bring it about. Whenever possible, we do a routine of exercises on the end of the bed and I occasionally manage to persuade her to come for a short walk. Get up, get washed, get dressed - the three, keys steps to success! Dunroamin, what is your advice regarding exercise? Thank you. Mr Wobbles


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
My mum, with vascular dementia, sleeps loads. Most days she sleeps more than she is awake. I just think that it must be so exhausting trying to make sense of the world with a damaged brain.


Registered User
Jun 8, 2022
My wife suffers from dementia plus mental health issues. Several months ago she started sleeping a lot, we have seen neurologists at the hospital, but to be honest other than scans and tests, EEG, there doesn’t seem much they can do.
Difficult as it is, I have to accept that this is all part of her condition and live with it. I can only imagine how she feels and what she is going through, I am her full time caregiver, no help from family members.
Heyho that’s life


Registered User
May 5, 2019
Hello Dunroamin It’s very unusual to have someone with Alzheimer’s, contribute to the discussions. Your personal input is greatly appreciated and valued. My wife has AD and I told my son that his mother was sleeping more these days - he lives in Cyprus. ‘Let her sleep’, he said, ‘but she must, at some point, exercise.’
Exercise is key to keeping on top of things, yet I find it so hard to bring it about. Whenever possible, we do a routine of exercises on the end of the bed and I occasionally manage to persuade her to come for a short walk. Get up, get washed, get dressed - the three, keys steps to success! Dunroamin, what is your advice regarding exercise? Thank you. Mr Wobbles
I used to be a competent runner (marathons etc) which I can no longer do, I went to gyms all my life. I still have my sports mountain bike, but sadly this gathers nothing but dust now. I rode and had my own Belgium Warmblood. None of the above now. However, I have always been a swimmer and have the benefit of an outdoor springfed coldwater pool. Cold water is definitely good for me. I can jog/run effectively in shoulder deep water. As part of a group of disabled women i have completed a 100k swim challenge last weekend which was reported on radio and on the RLSS website.

None of which is probably relevant for you What it does show is that I was far physically fitter than the general population when I started with symptoms, and I think this IS relevant. .

Ask at your gp surgery about chair based yoga and exercises. They should have a social prescriber attached to the surgery.

............... and there are several of us with Alzheimers who post on these threads!