My Oli


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
We used to love walk and would go out for a good hour each day to get some fresh air and the blood circulating. Sadly that has all changed and he is no longer able to go for a walk. But today we made a plan and drove up to the top of the woods, got out the car and had a short stroll through the woods. It wasn’t far but it was wonderful. We came home, I made lunch and he had a good nap in his chair until 4 o’clock when he woke and asked me if we were going home. Hmmmm. Just that small break from our normal routine and home was no longer home. Half an hour later he put on his shoes to go to bed.…. but i need to go to bed too because if he goes to bed at the other house he won’t know where to find me. I gently led him to our bedroom and asked if that bed would do. And then, as so often happens, he got a slightly sheepish look on his face and started laughing at himself😂😂. Got him into his pajamas and into bed and within 10 minutes he was fast asleep. Thank goodness he still has a sense of humour and can see the silly side of things. He woke up for an hour or so to have supper and his mountain of tablets, watched Midsommer Murders and of course got the whole plot backwards and is now back to sleep. 1am and I’m still wide awake!


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
What a day of ups and downs you had @Bugs - I hope you managed to get some sleep in the end.

It was lovely that you both managed to get out for a walk together. You handled the confusion that followed so well and with such care and love. My husband had a sense of humour too and would often end up smiling and shaking his head in disbelief when he had a clear episode after a bout of confusion. It does help.