My name is Venita


New member
Jan 29, 2024
My mother has vascular dementia aged 98. She was diagnosed a year ago when she lost the ability to stand up and became doubly incontinent. She was moved to a nursing home under duress but now she just sleeps all the time and eats occasionally. She has no conversation and, although she does seem to recognise me, I am uncertain she has any understanding of what is happening to her. She has always looked after herself but now she seems accepting of her fate. How long does this stage go on for as it is heartbreaking to watch. She has never been tested officially as she was probably too far into the disease then and it seemed cruel to put her through it. She is deaf in one ear from the war and now she is hard of hearing in her other ear and refuses to wear hearing aids. She seems so isolated bless her.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Ah @venita , such a difficult time for you. We are not at this stage yet but from what others have said , there is no telling how long this can go on which makes it so difficult for the families to witness.
Try to focus of what your mum did with all of her long life , this is just a small part of that.