My Mum has Early onset Alzheimers age 59

Rachael Wyatt

New member
Nov 10, 2022
Hi everyone, this is my first post

My name is Rachael, I'm 37 and my mum who is 59 got diagnosed with Alzheimers last October.

We first started noticing a difference in my mum a few years prior to her diagnosis. It started when she went to make a coffee and would just stare at her cup and wouldn't know what to do next. Then when we would have a conversation she would struggle with words for things.

I took her to her GP and they sent her for a memory test to start with, which she failed. They then sent her for a MRI on her brain which came back inconclusive.

She then got sent for a PET/CT Scan which then came back that she had Alzheimers. She has started on Donepezil 10mg for as long as she needs it.

Honestly since October last year my life has gone full circle. I have to help her shop, do her banking, medication etc.

Its so sad to see as my mum used to be a senior carer who gave patients their medication and now I have to sort it out for her.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
And it’s your mum. It’s so hard. I am so sorry. Far too young to feel the carer role which often comes in old age Is here now.

Rachael Wyatt

New member
Nov 10, 2022
And it’s your mum. It’s so hard. I am so sorry. Far too young to feel the carer role which often comes in old age Is here now.
Thankyou! Its been difficult, I'm coming to terms with it now and had to learn alot as I've never dealt with Dementia personally.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2023
Ah Rachael I'm so so sorry for you and your poor mum sending you strength for the journey ahead. You have come to the right place TP is a lifeline for so many of us you will get lots of advice and support here we are all one big family looking out for each other please keep posting we are all here for you xxx

Rachael Wyatt

New member
Nov 10, 2022
Ah Rachael I'm so so sorry for you and your poor mum sending you strength for the journey ahead. You have come to the right place TP is a lifeline for so many of us you will get lots of advice and support here we are all one big family looking out for each other please keep posting we are all here for you xxx
That's lovely, thankyou so much :)


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Hi, my Mam also has Dementia and is 59. My Dad has looked after her and we naively waited till the dementia has professed quite severely before asking for help. My advice is to get professionals involved as early as possible to try and assist and to keep her medication exactly where it needs to be.

Rachael Wyatt

New member
Nov 10, 2022
Hi, my Mam also has Dementia and is 59. My Dad has looked after her and we naively waited till the dementia has professed quite severely before asking for help. My advice is to get professionals involved as early as possible to try and assist and to keep her medication exactly where it needs to be.
Sorry to hear about you Mam.

I'm the eldest out of 3 and I'm the main carer as my brother works away and my sister lives further away. My parents aren't together so it's me that looks after her. I also have a job and a son who's 14 so its been draining a little. My husband is very supportive. I will make sure she has all the support she needs. Isn't it just awful seeing the person they use to be, change into someone else :(


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Sorry to hear about you Mam.

I'm the eldest out of 3 and I'm the main carer as my brother works away and my sister lives further away. My parents aren't together so it's me that looks after her. I also have a job and a son who's 14 so its been draining a little. My husband is very supportive. I will make sure she has all the support she needs. Isn't it just awful seeing the person they use to be, change into someone else :(
It’s very difficult. My Dad is the main carer and he’s done such a fantastic job that there was no involvement from anyone for so long. Then when big dips and declines happened it has became increasingly difficult to manage resulting in her being sectioned yesterday. Make sure they are reviewing her meds and any chance in behaviour you go to GP incase of underlying infection or illness. Nobody told us how damaging something like a water infection can be.