My mother has FTD


New member
Nov 23, 2023
Hi everyone,

My name is Steph. My mother was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in October 2020. Since then she has progressively declined to the point where she has no personal hygiene (my sister and I bathe her) she cannot hold a coherent conversation and she is constantly sleeping. We believe she is in the later stages of her dementia journey. I can’t begin to explain how unbelievably heartbreaking it is, to watch my mother become someone completely different, she used to be such a strong woman and now there’s nothing left of her. I am going through a horrendous personal experience and I just need my mum, but she’s not there anymore. I hate what this disease has done to her, it’s so unfair. Life can be so cruel sometimes.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Steph4 and welcome to this supportive and friendly forum.
I am so sorry to read of your Mum's situation. You are so right, it is cruel to see a loved one decline so much they are almost unrecognisable as the person they were. I had the same with my dear Mum. It is so unfair.
I hope you will find it helpful to have good look around the forums, and ask any particular questions you may like to. Join in conversations too, as sometimes it can be helpful just putting things down on here.
Please do remember, you will always find a listening ear here and understanding from members that truly want to help.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Steph4

Yes, there is nothing fair about dementia at all - it strips them of everything eventually. I still miss mum and she died several years ago from Alzheimers. Now my OH is in decline and the two people I would normally turn to are not there.

Do you have any help? I have carers in to wash and dress OH and I have a Home Help from Age UK to help with housework/laundry. If you dont have any help I would suggest that you contact Social Services for a needs assessment.

I have also found the support and advice on this forum to be life-saver.