my grandmother with dementia annoys me


New member
Jan 28, 2024
My grandmother will dementia constantly annoys me and my family. l’m 19 years old and my grandfather with dementia as well passed away last year due to complications with his dementia. This left my grandmother in my family’s care. Instead of trying to get her help by possibly finding a home where she can be helped by people trained in dementia, my family has decided they are going to ignore the problem and take care of her at their homes. My aunt and uncle are her main carers but they are mean and tired of taking care of her. The worst part is my cousin who is in med school, can’t have a college life because she has to commute home and take care of our grandmother.
Recently, my grandma was dropped off at our home so my aunt and uncle could go on a trip. My parents told me it was only a weekend but in truth they lied and don’t know how long she will be here. It’s incredibly stressful for me. My grandmother is constantly coughing/clearing her throat. When she uses my bathroom, there will be remnants of feces on the seat which I have to clean up. Its incredibly disgusting and I have to do it because its my bathroom.
My parents and aunt and uncle refuse to listen to me or my cousin about what we think should be done with her even though we’re in the right. The worst part is that the same thing is going to happen to my grandma that happened to my grandpa. It will be too late to get her into a care unit and she will die confused and unhappy. My family is incredibly selfish for not trying to help her and I feel extremely guilty for finding her to be a bother. She has no idea what is going on. I really despise my family for not trying to find her a place to live where she can be cared for. I understand they feel like they’d be abandoning her, but its only abandonment if they don’t visit and see her.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Hi and welcome. I'm so sorry to hear of what is happening with your grandma. Please try not to feel guilty. We are all human and you have been put in a difficult situation. You sound like a lovely caring granddaughter. I'm not sure how it all works but you could probably phone Adult Social Care, explain what is going on and ask them to do a care needs assessment for your grandma. This would take the pressure off you and your cousin. If your grandma is not being looked after properly then I think Social Care would be obliged to step in.