My First Respite


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
You were only away for three little days Helen but you have had more drama than some have in a life time.

And I haven't told you about the brake fluid saga because I was afraid of boring you all to death:D


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Morning Helen...

This is such a good saga I don't want it to end....:D

And I haven't told you about the brake fluid saga because I was afraid of boring you all to death

Can't wait for the next instalment....:D:D

Love xx


Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
wider good

Hi Helen,

Yes, it's good to hear all this. And I'm sure with all that reflection time you have probably surmised this yourself, but I also think it will have been good for Alan's daughter - to hear about your day to day life through your chats, and hear how how her dad really is. Even if she's in regular contact, you will not have had chance to give her such detailed info before, as I presume you did whilst together, inadvertently even. This will not only be helpful for her to know as his flesh and blood, but to aid ongoing understanding and communication between you two. Possibly more helpful in the future particularly too. None of this will get easier for us so the more people know what our lives are like, the better. So it seems good all round.

Speak soon,
Nik x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Nik

It was definitely good for Alan's daughter because she feels safe with me and she trusts my judgement after 25 years of knowing me!! I made a resolve to myself that I was not going to focus on my day to day life but to leave it behind, which I did. I wanted to focus on the part(s) of me that are not now able to be expressed because of my day to day life. We did chat a little as and when. I did share with her my 2 revelations; one of which I haven't shared yet on TP. Somehow, now that I have more support to hand such as a good CPN, Talking Point and a Social Worker who is interested in us, I feel I don't seem to have the same need to be understood in my caring role. This may very well change as it is all on a moment by moment basis as things can change rapidly at times.

It is good to hear from you:)


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Too many cats?

Helen - thanks for a great thread!!

Joanne - we have 3 cats. My husband always comments that this is 4 too many!! Especially now they are in their teens and need the vets more....v. expensive!!

With regard to sharing (I can see why it would be natural & good when away like this Helen) - my son and I have "Dad-free" zones - so when we are "off duty" we make a point of not going over what has been happening or what has been said & we just crash out and don't process "stuff". This is our respite - for an hour a day or thereabouts - to relax and consciously not discuss difficulties....

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen loved the photos, your looking good, and you have a radiance about you, so glad Alan coped and you could just chillout, I relived your weekend with you, reading your tales, i loved the spider saga, i would have put my knickers on my head before i went to sleep, more more more please. love Pam


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thanks Pam:) I've got two more tales and a revelation type experience (wonderful for me but I don't know whether it will do anything for anyone else). The tales are about the brake fluid and my sandal:D:p

We've got our own retreat to look forward to at the weekend unless we have to postpone because Jan can't get online. It will be interesting what tales we all come up with over the weekend:D How's the body pumping?
