My father has been diagnosed with alzheimer for 5 years, but we had a particular situation never seen before

Juan Pablo Rey

New member
Jan 22, 2024
Good evening everyone, i would like to tell something very inusual with my father. He's struggling with his memory a lot and with basics like his writing and the numbers. But two days ago, he had a mild injury in his head, nothing important, only a couple of bruises. After that event, he had a mild recovery of his memory (talking about his past summers when he was young) and his hand writing improves a lot. We talk with his neurologist and his psychotherapist and they mention have seen a couple of situations, but with no scientific explanation. Im searching scientific info about that or any similar experience, glad to hear about it.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Juan Pablo Rey

I have no experience of the change you have seen in your father since he hit his head but I know unexpected changes can happen.

What will be interesting to se whether these changes stay with him or not.

Best wishes