My experience with Donepezil

Mikey 123

New member
Jun 23, 2024
I had a brain scan and follow up consultation with my specialist doctor..We discussed many things that the scan showed,of course signs of alzeimers. We worked out the next steps. Physical fitness walking, stretching exercises. Mental exercises crosswords sudoku and computer puzzels. I volunteered to trial Donepezil a newly licensed drug for alzeimer sufferers.
My daily routine is 25 minute walk at 7 am sudoka from the independent spot the difference puzzles half an hourish and a crossword. Bending and stretching gardening and a longer walk later on.
So I started taking 5mg of Donepezil for 1 month. It seemed a strong drug and it seemed to effect my brain with I.pulse surges and slightly effect my bowel. I felt a bit odd for 2 to 3 days then I felt no more sensations, I slept deeply with vivid dreams mainly from my past. I also visited the town of my birth first time for 45 years..My memory was good I walked around with my son showing him where I lived and telling him stories of when I was 3or 4.
Within the first week I had finished a crossword in 28 mins previously this would be 35 plus minutes..
I felt mentally brighter and more positive about my life.
After the first month my dose went up to 10 mg I was a little anxious as I k ow the side effect of brain impules would return and they did for 3 to 4 days whilst my body absorbed the drug.
I feel very positive and hopefully my reports will help monitor the drug and I will volunteer tp participate in trials of more newly developed drugs.
Inncidently I beat my all time crossword time today of 22mins! It must have been an easy one!!!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello Mikey, my wife was on the original trial for Aricipt now it's become generic Donepezil is the same thing under a different name.
Far from being new I would think they are trialing you for adverse reactions not the medication itself.
I'm so glad it appears to be helping you, I didn't have a clone of my wife to do a comparison with so I don't know no two people are the same, before the licence ran out the NHS paid a lot of money for the medication when it became generic they make a profit from prescription payers I understand. K

Bay Tree

Registered User
Jun 19, 2023
Such good news that the drug is helping you and long may it continue. My husband takes it and luckily didn't have too many side effects but I'm the one doing the crosswords!


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Mikey, my husband also takes donepezil, has been taking it for over 2 years and he's been fine with it,
he does crosswords, not as quick as he used to be....doesn't finish them, can answers questions on game shows,,,quicker than me with it seems to be helping, long may it continue..


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Mikey 123.

I'm glad you're feeling so positive. I hope you continue to feel the benefit for as long as possible.

Oh and well done with the crosswords!


Registered User
May 5, 2019
I have been on this drug now for 5 years. I am of the firm belief that it only does any good in the event of a very early diagnosis (which luckily mine was.) I was also very fit physically when diagnosed, and although I cannot now participate in some sports, still remain active and try to keep fit. I have my gold RLSS medal for a 100k cold water swim completed last month. Sadly marathon runs are completely off the table now and my last finishers medal will remain at 2020

@Mikey 123 you will retain old memories for a long time (you mention returning to your birth town). It is the short term memory that will be the problem. Keep up the fitness regime, I am sure it works, and if balance becomes a problem for you transfer your exercises to a swimming pool, then you can fall with impunity. I can still 'run' in deep water, do squats, star jumps and work with pool weights besides swimming .


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
My OH has been on it for 8 years and while short term memory is now pretty poor she still does several Wordsearch puzzles every day, a hobby she has had from before onset. I agree about getting on t early is essential and those tht leave it late do lose out in the long run. Keep it all up.