Mum was just diagnosed


Registered User
Sep 28, 2011
My mom was diagnosed with non-specific dementia yesterday and now I have no idea what to do next.

My mums had bipolare disorder for the past 30 years, she's had about 6 nervouse breakdowns but in the past 6 years she's been completely stable and happier than I've ever seen her, then last Christmas we went to visit my sister in Canada (not a good trip) and when we got back I noticed immediately that she seemed to be going down hill. Her memory, speach, understanding and mobility all took the sharpest downturn I'd seen in ages. She lives in sheltered accomodation and the warden and I were both worried but thought it was just a knock caused by the disastrous trip. When a couple of months ago mum told me that she could no longer play bingo with her friends I really started to worry and spoke to her doctor.
When we got the diagnosis yesterday the doctor showed me her results. She was below normal for everything but her short term memory, speach and reflexes were off the chart bad. The doctor told me that the type of dimensia mom has doesn't usually respond to drugs although he has given her Donepezil just in case. If that doesn't work and my mom continues to go down hill at the same rate I can't see that she's going to have more than 1 to 2 years when she's "here" I know that's the pessimistic view and it could be much better but haveing dealt with her bipolare disorder all my life I've learnt to be realistic and plan for the worse while hoping for the best.

I guess I always suspected that this would happen to mom but it doesn't make it any less horrible. I'm currently in the crying every few minutes stage of acceptance but I know it will pass and I would feel better if I know what to do next. I want to make sure my mom gets to stay in her little flat for as long as possible as she's been happier there than anywhere else in her life but I'm vary aware that she's not very far off needing more help already. I also have a sister who is eger to get my mom into a care home as soon as possible but I know that isn't what my mom wants and I want her to have what she wants for as long as it's safe to do so.

Anyway, I think I forgot what my point was somewhere along the line but I just don't know where to go from here. Any sugestions gratefully appreciated?


Registered User
Jun 29, 2009
Hello Amatheya, welcome to Talking Point.

I am sorry to read your post about your mum. I am sure this is an upsetting time for you all but I think you right to start thinking about what to do next.

This is a link to an AS factsheet which may offer you some help and advice.

I hope you will find TP a great help and support. Please let us know how you get on.

With very best wishes to you both.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2011
Thanks for the link. It was very helpfull.

I've now created a to do list as long as my arm and althugh I'm still daunted and a little in shock I think at last I know roughly what I need to do.

I'm back at work today. I aked my boss to give me a day off yesterday because I just couldn't function. She has a aunt with dementia so she was very understanding. I take my mom out for dinner every Thursday after work and I have to admit that I'm a little scared to see her. She doesn't realise how serious her condition is and I'm affraid of saying something that will clue her in. She's happy at the moment and I want her to remain that way.

Oh, well. Guess I just need to pull myself together and get on with it.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Amatheya , Am so sorry :( to read about your Mum & can sympathize with you as my Father has Mild / Moderate Dementia ( live very near Parents :) ) so try & offer Support when its needed !

Welcome to T Point & hope you find it as Supportive as i do & you will in time make Friends on T P

Just sending much Love & Support to you & your Mum

Love Grove x x


Registered User
Jun 29, 2009
Hello, I am really pleased the factsheet helped you. I just wanted to add really that please don't be afraid of meeting your mum. I am sure you will have many happy, enjoyable, times ahead with her. Perhaps she just needs a little bit more help and you shouldn't hesitate to ask for that.

Hope you enjoy your dinner, it is a lovely idea :)

Very best wishes to you both x