Mum says she has dogs


Registered User
Aug 6, 2022
Morning to all ,sorry it’s on Christmas Eve but I could do with advice in what to say to my mum who has mixed dementia, nearly 6 years diagnosed .I did post that mum had list her little dog only a couple of months ago , the thing is mum has gone back 35 years in her mind n thinks she has dogs outside in her garage n shed.Yes mum used to kennel n look after dogs and this was a big part of her life , like I said 35 years ago .She rings me 25 to 40 times a day n it is always about dogs in kennels , she has taken phone calls n people are bringing dogs to stay , in her mind all this is happening .I have physically shown her garage n shed to see what are, gone through her phone n said no one has rang her I’ve even lied n said I have contacted said people to cancel dogs coming in , but it still keeps going , where’s my dogs , I’ve got dogs in , she’s even doing good for these dogs but that’s her human food she is using n mixing all together for theses dogs that don’t exist.Ive tried writing it all down , notice on all boards where she can see it but still rings me and we go through it all again .She has started going out to the garage checking herself , thank goodness is not really cold n slippy , I’m frightened of her falling , again I’ve tried to explain this to her but to no avail , it’s just so hard , as i’am my mums main port of call , she has started ringing my husband n brother but not like she rings me , I work full time n I see her most days to but it’s very draining , got her in a day centre 2 days a week and that’s just heaven for me but it’s great for mum , even though she says she isn’t like everyone else there , o yes she is lol , we have contacted doctors n adult social services n it’s just waiting , and it’s holiday time , so will take longer but I just want to no what to say as I’ve tried truth , lied , changed subject please anything else I could try , Thankyou you lovely people for listening .


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@Hawrk I think that you have just about tried everything that you can, unfortunately with someone who has dementia they really can get fixed ideas in their heads and nothing will change their minds. Have you thought of getting her one of the animated dogs which breathe and even sort of growl. This might help to comfort her.