Mum keeps falling in care home after hip surgery


Registered User
Mar 9, 2023

I’m so worried about my mum. She fractured her hip just before Christmas, couldn’t stand or walk, but because there had been no obvious fall we were told by the care home that it must be muscular pain. The GP saw her the day after Boxing Day and requested an x ray which confirmed a fracture and she had a partial hip replacement the next day. Fast forward 4 days when she fell in her room after being discharged back to the care home. Another trip to A&E (6 hours) led to her being admitted for observation. She was then discharged again and has been back at the home for 3 days. The home has just called me tonight to inform me that she has fallen again.

Mum has Alzheimer’s with pretty much no short term memory. She doesn’t remember that she can’t walk unaided and needs to be watched constantly. I just don’t know what to do. After what had already happened I assumed the care home staff would be extra vigilant but obviously not. I’m really worried that she’ll damage her hip again, and also worried about taking more time off work. I know that sounds really selfish but I work full time and I’m paying all the bills.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Any advice welcome 🙏


Registered User
Jan 5, 2024
Not sure if this will be helpful, but when a relative of mine was in a care home she would forget to drink water and this caused difficulties with her bowels. This resulted in many hospital trips even when we, the family, asked that she be regularly prompted to drink water. The care home was not able to provide the necessary care levels so we moved her to another care home. The first care home admitted that all they could guarantee to do was make fresh water available on a daily basis and that she herself would have to drink.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
my mum broke her hip around the same time last year. she also has zero short term memory.
she has fallen a couple of times, so they put a pressure mat by her bed. She has to be reminded to use her walker constantly ( she was perfectly mobile before).
unfortunately someone can’t be watching her 24/7 though. It’s a worry for sure.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes I would expect a pressure mat to be put in place by your mums chair. Then when she’s up and on the move staff will be alerted and can help.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
That is so stressful for you.

The bit where they didn't take the initial injury seriously is awful.

And maybe she needed to come back to the home having had some rehab and with some more rehab to come.

Care homes and falls are a bit synonymous aren't they. The falls prevention bit has to happen beyond where Mary spots Bob about to fall and miraculously prevents it.

My only thought which doesn't help with the finances is a private physio. Someone who can come in and do a forensic assessment of what if anything can be done differently.


Registered User
Mar 9, 2023
Thanks everyone. There is a pressure mat by her bed but using one near the chair is a good idea. I’ll Have a think about private physio but I know mum has refused to cooperate with the physio for the hospital. She’s pretty feisty!

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