

New member
May 17, 2024
I am the girl that took the only son away, but she thinks I am great. he has three sisters, one older and has hadn't wanted to face the dementia journey feels that her mum will go mad, but we have had a quick lesson this past couple of weeks as she had to go to hospital and is still in not happy bunny wants home, not looking that she will is needing rehab possible never will get home but oldest daughter feeling what will people think.

But she hasn't been eating in hospital, I know you can't force anyone to eat when she gets agitated she won't do anything, but is there something you can ask her to do.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @clairemcq30

I hope you will find the support forum helpful.

I`d wait until your mother in law gets home before you try to sort her diet. Most people don`t want to eat when they are not well and hospital food doesn`t always have the best reputation.

You could take treats in when you visit to try to tempt her.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Grannie G is right. Just get her through the current hospital stay any way you can. Hospital sent my Mum into a complete tailspin, but she settled when back at home.

In the meantime, if your Mum will only eat cake, chocolate or sweets while she’s in hospital - so be it. Maybe try her with something like a tempting little fruit tart to sneak some vitamins in there, but don’t stress. Eating anything at all will be an improvement. Remember that a slice of strawberry cream sponge contains both dairy and part of your five-a-day - if you squint hard enough 😉