Mum in care home and has become very angry 😢


New member
Sep 23, 2020
I feel like I’m in the middle of a nightmare.

My sister and I have been looking after our parents for a few years with help from family friends and carers. Dad has always had health concerns and mum cared for him and then mum was diagnosed with mixed dementia in 2020. We have tried our best to keep them at home including retiring early (I’m so glad I did as we’ve had some lovely times) a 3x day care package (although they resisted any help). My dad has recently been in hospital again and nearly died again and his mobility is now even worse meaning he can’t get himself up out of a chair or do stairs. They can’t have a stairlift as he can’t operate one and not good for mum anyway we are advised. The carers they had 3 times a day were advising us they were not safe at home as mum had done some other things due to her dementia (involving the oven) and dad was bringing himself downstairs when he could do the stairs but was very unsafe so they said they dreaded arriving and finding him at the bottom of the stairs each morning.

With agreement from dad and mum (as much as she could understand in the moment) we agreed they would go into respite to help dad recover when he came out of hospital and see if they liked the place. Mum visited the place with us a couple of times. It was very hard for dad as he hadn’t even seen the place.

It’s a lovely place in the town they have lived all their lives which was important to them, they have a bedroom and a private lounge which we’ve tried to make lovely for them with their own things. There are also lovely shared areas.

I know it’s early days but my mum is hateful towards us, she says the most terrible things and threatens to kill herself or smash the place up. She wasn’t like this before but we realise she had deteriorated in the month when dad was in hospital although we looked after her 24/7 and went to see dad every day. She is begging all her visitors to take her home and saying we have put her in there. She is very angry but then has small pockets of thinking it’s a lovely place and how lucky they are to be there which makes you feel like you are living in a parallel world tbh. Dad try’s to help but he is very weak and whilst he has capacity he doesn’t have insight into the risk they were in. Also if he defends us mum turns on him. He keeps saying to us that he just wants to be with mum.

I feel utterly bereft. I keep thinking what else we could have done but I can’t see an option and there would prob have been something awful happen at home. However I feel so guilty that the decision we made has resulted in this awful time and her distress. It’s been hard and worrying for a long time and now dad has deteriorated they just weren’t safe. We considered 24 hour home care but the money just wasn’t there to fund this as it’s in their property.

The home say this is normal for some people and hopefully she will settle. They are trying different things.

Any words of advice appreciated as I just feel numb, guilty, constantly sad and not sleeping very well at all so I’m exhausted.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
The home say this is normal for some people and hopefully she will settle. They are trying different things.

This is good @Angela63

It is early days and normal and at least the home is trying other things so are not just letting your mum find her own way.

It`s terrible for you I know but this behaviour is a reaction to disorientation and confusion.

When your mum asks to go home, tell her you are trying to organise it

Also if he defends us mum turns on him. He keeps saying to us that he just wants to be with mum.
It`s obvious your parents want to stay together and are dependent on each other.

Could you tell your mum she needs to be where she is to help your dad and vice versa?


New member
Sep 23, 2020
We have said that to mum but she just says she is going. She was in such a state without dad when he was in hospital as he is her constant so this shocked us. We realise she’s prob in ‘fight mode’ and lashing out. She even hit and kicked dad at one stage which was heartbreaking. They did move her to the dementia level for two nights but we’ve asked them to keep them together and try ride the storm where they are. If they keep taking her away she will never settle we feel. Obv they need to protect dad as well.


New member
Sep 23, 2020
This is good @Angela63

It is early days and normal and at least the home is trying other things so are not just letting your mum find her own way.

It`s terrible for you I know but this behaviour is a reaction to disorientation and confusion.

When your mum asks to go home, tell her you are trying to organise it

It`s obvious your parents want to stay together and are dependent on each other.

Could you tell your mum she needs to be where she is to help your dad and vice versa?


New member
Sep 23, 2020
I will try the suggestion of organising it. I just don’t like lying to her. There is no way she could go home as she is and the combination of the two different and complex needs is very hard.

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
My mum was in a beautiful home (sadly for only 10 days before she died). On visiting my sister was told it was a hovel and in the next breathe, it’s nice wallpaper. I want to come home now! But I am coming back tomorrow to get my hair done!

It’s the disease . Stay strong and give her time to settle


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023

I want you to know that you are not alone 💕 You have done everything you can to support your parents.

Dad was in short term emergency respite this time roughly last year. He moved to another place in the Spring. He didn't recall agreeing with the SW about residential care and started saying he didn't know why he was there and he wanted to go home. as he didn't actually say he would stay in long term care we began this long year of to and fro with social services.

On visits he would cry, be very angry with us after all we were the reason he was there in a prison (his words) when he had done nothing wrong. He had/has little or no understanding of his own care needs.

To cut it all very short he went back to his house for an assessment and it was then someone else's decision that is wasn't safe for him to return and privately to us well we made the decision for him as he didn't actually at that point on that decision have the capacity to decide and weigh up the risks and all those other things that go into a decision.

We also looked at all the options and sadly the house and Dad's mental and physical health led to just one route. He is now telling everyone his daughters don't want to look after him anymore and he will make do. That cuts like a knife but I think maybe that is just easier to believe and he has not said it directly to either of us it goes to the staff and visitors mainly.

The best advice really is it takes time... and also the realistic approach of it may never happen that they never really settle. A staff member said that to me once and I kind of thought I do need to accept that as well.

How do you cope ? I tell myself that Dad is not well in his mind and his body each time I go and that is why as his family we have had to take the decisions. It isn't easy I know and often visits can be emotionally charged.

Sometimes I take in some treats, if it gets stressy I distract or go and make a drink and come back, or cut visits short. I live a distance away so I can't just pop in so sometimes I have to sit and just take it, come away and cry.

When he used to ask about flats and things I would just say yes I will have a look and let you know or I would say ooo social services are doing that Dad I will have to ask but you know it takes ages.

Sending you a hug


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
My mum was in a beautiful home (sadly for only 10 days before she died). On visiting my sister was told it was a hovel and in the next breathe, it’s nice wallpaper. I want to come home now! But I am coming back tomorrow to get my hair done!

It’s the disease . Stay strong and give her time to settle
Dad is in a lovely place and he often says similar. I once said really Dad? and pointed around the room and he said yes it is very nice 🤔. That and the food isn't fit to feed a dog 🤦‍♀️

I find telling myself it isn't him it is the illness helps.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I just don’t like lying to her
Nobody likes doing this, but with dementia they become unable to understand the reality of their situation and trying to explain just makes them angry, so the only way to bridge this gap is with what is known on here as "love lies" (also known as Therapeutic Untruths, if this concept will help). Tell her something that she will accept and will ease her distress, even if it is not actually true. At this stage of dementia easing the distress and helping her to accept the situation is paramount.

You had no other choice. From what you said, even if you could have afforded live-in carers it wouldnt have been enough to keep them safe - the problems with stairs, oven etc would still not have been resolved. It was the whole environment that was unsafe. It sounds like your mums dementia really progressed during the time when your dad was in hospital.


New member
Sep 23, 2020
Nobody likes doing this, but with dementia they become unable to understand the reality of their situation and trying to explain just makes them angry, so the only way to bridge this gap is with what is known on here as "love lies" (also known as Therapeutic Untruths, if this concept will help). Tell her something that she will accept and will ease her distress, even if it is not actually true. At this stage of dementia easing the distress and helping her to accept the situation is paramount.

You had no other choice. From what you said, even if you could have afforded live-in carers it wouldnt have been enough to keep them safe - the problems with stairs, oven etc would still not have been resolved. It was the whole environment that was unsafe. It sounds like your mums dementia really progressed during the time when your dad was in hospital.
Thank you


New member
Sep 23, 2020
Dad is in a lovely place and he often says similar. I once said really Dad? and pointed around the room and he said yes it is very nice 🤔. That and the food isn't fit to feed a dog 🤦‍♀️

I find telling myself it isn't him it is the illness helps.
Thank you I will 🙏🙏


New member
Sep 23, 2020
Dad is in a lovely place and he often says similar. I once said really Dad? and pointed around the room and he said yes it is very nice 🤔. That and the food isn't fit to feed a dog 🤦‍♀️

I find telling myself it isn't him it is the illness helps.
Thank you