Moving back to Scotland with elderly relative


New member
Mar 25, 2024
Hello. I have been looking after my mother for the last 18 years since my father died. In 2020 my mother developed signs of memory problems which have now progressed to the point of her not knowing what has just been said. She is 95 and is still, physically, very well. She has seen a Neurologist and has been diagnosed with Geriatric Cognitive Issues (which is their polite way here of saying she can't remember anything). We are, at present, living in Greece, as my husbands family are from here, but it is very difficult for me to give her the quality of care she now needs as there are no services for English speakers and any nursing home care is well outside my financial capabilities. With all this in mind I think my mother would be much happier back in a nursing home in Scotland. She needs to hear her own language and be around people who get her. She has no income or savings other than her UK Pension and I'm wondering, if we moved back, would she be eligible for financial assistance for a nursing home in Scotland.
Thanks for reading this.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003