Mothers Pension claimed by Half Brother


New member
Jun 5, 2024
Hello all,
I am a Pensioner and live in Germany since the 80s and have a Mum, Sister and Half Brother in the UK. My Mum has Alzheimers and has been in a Care Home for 2 1/2 years. Before her condition got worse I tried to organise her Financial Affairs but being a non UK Resident it was not possible. I left it all to my younger half Brother . When her condition got so bad ,he had to put her in Care and said he would take care of everything, so I sent him money to clear her Council Bungalow.
A few months later my Mums friend/neighbour phoned me to say Mum had had no Pocket money . I contacted my Sister (who hadn't spoken to Mum for 20 Years, long story) and she offered to go to the Care Home saying she was after all still her Mum. To cut a long story short, after over a year my Sis has now POA since February, as our Brother had just put her in the Home and done nothing else.
When my Sister phoned our Brother at the start and asked if he had Mums Bank Card and why she wasn't getting any money he went crazy and hung up. Since then we have no contact, Tel. - Facebook ..all deleted and address unknown !
Last Month my Sis received a bill for £42,000 Care Home Fees. It turns out our Brother (Black Sheep). has been receiving her State and Private Pensions ! The money in her Bank is only £16,000.
Well DWP are starting a Fraud and Abuse Case !!
Since Mum is in the Care Home I have been to the UK twice and visited her several times, she didn't recognise me but did my Wife :-( , she thinks my Sister ( who goes once a week) is a Carer.
Its unbelievable to think that a Son and Brother can do such a thing. I was hoping it was someone else acting Fraudulently when she was alone and vulnerable . I had to get this off my chest. Thankyou for Reading and Happy to receive replies.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I've read some stuff on here over the years...but how, just how can people do stuff (he said politely) like this, just how?
How do people like that sleep at night, ripping off your own mum, there are words but I'm sure the site rules forbid them so I'll shut up. K


New member
Jun 5, 2024
Hi Kevini, thanks for your reply. Yes I still cant believe it. That ones own Brother can be so Selfish and uncaring .Thank god I have my Sister, but we have always been close.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2022
Your half brother will get charged with fraud, it will not be difficult to trace him. Sadly greed is strong in people and they will take advantage. My own brother has stung my mother for over £20k in loans that he cannot pay back. This was before my Mum was diagnosed but he used guilt, intimidation and strong manipulation. He tried to suggest they were gifts but luckily I had screen shots of old messages from him, that wasn't the accepted plan by my mum. He has left us £20k down on cash we now desperately need for care home fees. I didn't report him as this was given willingly originally but I will find a way to pay him back. Disgustingly, he's hoping to get his hands on 1/3 inheritance (if there is anything left by then). He will be most aggrieved to find that as I am executor to the estate that all debts must be settled before calculating remaining to beneficiaries. So if there is anything left it will be netted against his share.

Some people are a disgrace, I don't know how they look in the mirror. Good luck with everything