Mother with LBD


New member
Jan 3, 2024
My mom was diagnosed with LBD 3 years ago . She is really detoriating. I do not know how to help. She will not see a doctor since the diagnosis .


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @DK50 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum although I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Unfortunately it's quite common to not want to see a doctor but it might still be helpful for you to let her doctor know about the deterioration as they may be able to provide some help. Perhaps write down the issues that you are struggling with so they have a full picture of what is happening? I'm not sure if you are in the UK but if so, you could contact adult social services to request a care needs assessment for your mom and a carers assessment for yourself to see what support might be available for you both. It's so hard caring for someone with dementia but you will find lots of friendly support here, plus others who have personal experience of LBD, so please let us know if there is anything in particular that you would like help or advice with as there is always someone here to listen.