Mother recently diagnosed and aggressive behaviour


New member
Feb 18, 2023
I live with my mother and father. My mother was recently diagnosed with mixed dementia ( Alzheimer's and vascular dementia). She had been on the anti depressant Sertraline pre-diagnosis for anxiety issues. This did not help her and we believe made things worse. The doctor disputed this but agreed to take her off Sertraline. During this time my mum has become increasingly aggressive towards myself and my father, with episodes of shouting, hitting, kicking, throwing things, and slamming and banging doors. This is normally for no obvious reason and she can be can calm one moment then suddenly snaps. She also is normally only aggressive towards one of us at a time. We are not sure if this is due to withdrawal symptoms from coming off Sertraline or a stage of her dementia. My mother has been approved to take donepezil to help with her anxiety, memory and concentration and prescribed pregabalin to help with anxiety and aggression. Is it too much to hope that my mother's aggressive episodes will reduce or become easier to manage? Also any advice on managing the aggressive episodes would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post. This is all so new to us.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Jo2023.

I’m sorry to hear that your mums is suffering in this way. It must be really tough on all of you.

I wondered if you would find this factsheet helpful -



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @Jo2023

Im so sorry that your mum has become aggressive.
Unfortunately it is fairly common in mid=stage dementia and is born of fear, anxiety and frustration. She knows that Something is not right, but is unable to understand that this Something is her.

It sounds to me as though the Sertraline was partially controlling the aggression, but now she has been taken off it the full extent is showing. Im glad that a different drug is being tried. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right drug/dosage.

Do everything you can to keep her calm, but make sure you always have a charged mobile on you in case it turns nasty. If she really kicks off, or you become afraid, do call the police as an emergency - do not hesitate. They are trained to deal with this sort of situation and have the authority to contact the emergency psychiatric team