Aggressive and frightening behaviour.


New member
Apr 2, 2024
I am a new member and feel I need to know how to deal more calmly with my husband's aggressive and frightening behaviour. I try to be calm though it's hard!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @BuckdenSoc.

I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I wonder if you would find anything helpful in this link -

Please keep yourself safe. Try to keep a mobile phone with you and if you can get yourself to another room if you are frightened for your own safety. If necessary please phone the police. Others on the forum have done this.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I am a new member and feel I need to know how to deal more calmly with my husband's aggressive and frightening behaviour. I try to be calm though it's hard!
Yes, it is hard to stay calm but that is the best thing to do. If you are calm, then he will calm down quicker. Whatever happens, do not argue with him or get upset. He will be picking up your mood so you need to bear in mind that you must be calm and reassuring. I had the same problem with my husband but by being loving and reassuring, no matter what he says, I found that the aggression disappeared. However, it may require a medical review of things are too bad.

Keep yourself safe at all times and phone the police if you have to.

My mantra is 'reassure, reassure reassure'. It works.


Registered User
Aug 31, 2020
I am a new member and feel I need to know how to deal more calmly with my husband's aggressive and frightening behaviour. I try to be calm though it's hard!
my husband was aggressive and threatening to me yesterday. he grabbed me by the face and knocked my handbag off my lap He did it in a public place and A lady came and asked if I was ok. I am currently living with cancer and I cannot handle any more stress. I dont know where to turn or what to do. Husband has Lewy Body dementia and this is the first strong aggression towards me. I fear this will get worse.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Shem56 I am so sorry to read about this, it must have been so frightening and stressful for you. Please ensure that you always have a fully charged phone with you and if something like this happens again get yourself to a safe place and contact the police, they are trained to deal with situations like this.
In the meantime please contact your GP or the Memory Clinic to explain what happened, it might be that a change of medication will help to control the aggression. Also call your adult social services to discuss what has happened and tell them that you are finding it hard to cope with your husband due to his behaviour and your own cancer.
Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.


Registered User
Aug 31, 2020
Hello @Shem56 I am so sorry to read about this, it must have been so frightening and stressful for you. Please ensure that you always have a fully charged phone with you and if something like this happens again get yourself to a safe place and contact the police, they are trained to deal with situations like this.
In the meantime please contact your GP or the Memory Clinic to explain what happened, it might be that a change of medication will help to control the aggression. Also call your adult social services to discuss what has happened and tell them that you are finding it hard to cope with your husband due to his behaviour and your own cancer.
Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.