More ridiculousness


Registered User
Jul 25, 2023
Today's demand is that I phone the 'so called' optician to see if he can go back to wearing contact lenses. This is the 4th optician in 4 years. They have all explained, as has the ophthalmologist, that the problem is the signal between his eyes and his brain is not working. He told me that he had contact lenses up to lockdown - it was about 25 years since. Plus he can't even put his own hearing aids in. Do I waste the opticians time? Do I waste money on something he won't be able to use? The trouble is that although his memory is terrible, once he fixates on something like this, he won't forget. So far we have a stack of glasses that 'don't work', dentures that 'don't fit' and hearing aids that 'must have been mixed up with someone else's'.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
No, you cant keep doing this - its a waste of everyones time, not to mention money and it wont solve anything.

I think its time to constantly kick the can down the road using a whole load of love lies - "forget" to book the appointment, they dont have any appointments for 2 weeks (actually that one might turn out to be true, OH recently had eye problems and when I tried to book the appointment there was nothing for 2 weeks.....), the optician is off sick/on holiday, you cant take him because the car is playing up, there are road works and you want to leave it a couple of weeks before going that way.......

Just keep thinking of new excuses and put all the "wrong" glasses away


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
I agree with @canary and @Jessbow just say they are booked or give a date. If he remembers the date further down the line, just say they had to cancel because the optician gone off sick so you'll re-book.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2023
Thank you for your replies X I will certainly try the suggestions. I feel like my life is full of appointments already without causing unnecessary ones.