MIL behaviour very challenging. What type of care should we get?


Registered User
Jul 9, 2022
Hi, everyone, my husband's mother has Alzheimers and lives with my husband's father. Her behaviour can be extremely challenging. She was sectioned last year for violence and taking off. Almost every evening, she starts screaming and banging, demanding to be let out as she feels that she is imprisoned and doesn't recognised my FIL, thinking he is a baddie. She goes into the garden and screams for help. In desperation and because he doesn't want to risk her wrath, my FIL lets her out and follows her. She usually goes next door and so far, the neighbour has been very good, but obviously this cannot go on for long as there is a danger that she will take off again. Any advice? Is it time for a residential care?


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
I hope you have social work involved here. Your father in law cannot cope with this long term . Sooner or later she is going to have to go into care. I think Social work are the people to advise you on the levels of care each home provides in your area


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Sounds like it time to me!
If she goes out to the back garden, can she then escape? Do you think she would attempt to climb fences?

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
I assume that following the sectioning your MIL's behaviour was more manageable. If so, then it sounds as if the medication she is on is no longer working (as well). Your FIL can't be expected to put up with this. He (or you or your husband) need to get urgent help from her social worker / the hospital / the community mental health team. Whether this means another sectioning or a move straight to a care home I couldn't say but she can't stay at home like this.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
I echo Violet Jane's response. Getting the mental health team in asap to do a re-assessment of her meds etc sounds like the first port of call. Let them know in no uncertain terms that your FIL is struggling and could be vulnerable.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2023
Hi, everyone, my husband's mother has Alzheimers and lives with my husband's father. Her behaviour can be extremely challenging. She was sectioned last year for violence and taking off. Almost every evening, she starts screaming and banging, demanding to be let out as she feels that she is imprisoned and doesn't recognised my FIL, thinking he is a baddie. She goes into the garden and screams for help. In desperation and because he doesn't want to risk her wrath, my FIL lets her out and follows her. She usually goes next door and so far, the neighbour has been very good, but obviously this cannot go on for long as there is a danger that she will take off again. Any advice? Is it time for a residential care?
This is what my mum has been doing every day sometimes several times a day. One day I let her out and followed her for two hours until she fell and was willing to go back to “prison”. Today she has been banging on the windows, doors, pushing me away out of her way because I wouldn’t let her out. It lasted 8 hours in total. She is sleeping now - sedated. Tomorrow morning when she wakes up everything will start again.. when I ask psychiatrists what to do, they say “call an ambulance if you think your mum is in risk” !